Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Budhist Masuk Kristen (Sai Myint)

Pelanggaran HAM, pertempuran terus-menerus, dan kemiskinan yang memaksa puluhan ribu orang melarikan diri dari negara Asia Burma, yang juga dikenal sebagai Myanmar.

Jumat, 23 April 2010


Not racist

Not violent

Just not going to take it anymore

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Dimanakah Kita disembunyikan oleh TUHAN?


Kita disembunyikan Tuhan di dalam Jubah KebenaranNya, maksudnya walaupun masih di dunia ini kita akan mengenakan jubah putih kebenaranNya itu setelah kita bertobat sungguh-sungguh dari segala macam dosa dan dibasuh oleh Darah Yesus Kristus.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Forum Debat

Kami menyadari bahwa orang membutuhkan ruang untuk menyampaikan pendapat, ataupun kritik. Dan sudah seharusnyalah Kebenaran itu Tidak Exclusive, Terbuka dan Terang Benderang. Karena itu Kebenaran itu juga harus membuka dirinya untuk diuji.

Kekristenan adalah agama yang sangat terbuka.  Mereka tidak membunuh hanya karena Tuhannya dikarikatur ataupun digambar.  Bahkan Kristen berani membuka diri terhadap Profesor-profesor Atheis untuk menguji Alkitab.

Sangat banyak kaum Liberal yang sangat bernafsu untuk membenamkan Alkitab, entah itu para Profesor Atheis, entah itu Kristen Science, entah itu Debater Islam, dll.   Tapi Alkitab masih tetap tak terbantahkan.

Karena itu disini Anda bebas memberikan Argumen, tentunya Argumen anda harus cerdas dan bermutu. Dan jika debat anda sangat menggemparkan, kami akan mempostingkannya kehalaman utama, sehingga semua bisa mengikuti.

Berhubung ini adalah situs rohani, tentu ada Etika yang harus dijaga. Karena itu admin membuat beberapa persyaratan:

1. Dalam membuat Argumen, buatlah sebuah Judul atau Topik tulisan anda.

2. Buatlah argumen yang cerdas dan intelek.

3. Beberkan Fakta-fakta, dalil-dalil, entah ayat Alkitab ataupun Alquran, ataupun kutipan-kutipan dari para orang ternama.

4. Semua agama dan kepercayaan, bebas untuk menyampaikan pandangan atau membuat argumen.

5. Gunakanlah bahasa yang sopan, bahasa yang vulgar akan segera dihapus.

6. Dilarang menyertakan link aktiv, silahkan disini saja semua di expose.

7. Biasakan untuk merenungkan ucapan lawan, jika disana ada kebenaran, akuilah.

Tetap jaga persatuan, dan jangan ada dendam.  Jika anda tertarik pada kepercayaan lawan, silahkan ikuti.  Jika anda tidak tertarik, anggap itu untuk memperkaya wawasanmu.


Kamis, 01 April 2010

Prophetic Word about the United States


I am going out on a limb here. I do not usually share this much of what God has shown me, but I believe it is time.

The Lord has shown me the United States crumbling apart. There is no law and no love. The only place that God can be found is in the hearts of His people and His people start to become few. There will be persecution of the Christians in this land and many have not equipped themselves spiritually to endure. The love is gone.

There will be lawlessness in the land. Those Christians, that can endure, will rebel against the power of man and bring up arms, as did there forefathers, to defend liberty and their God. Hospitals, graves and prisons wait for God people.

The Lord showed me twice what it would be like. I wrote of this in "It is So" and in "Jeremiah 14", both speak of the Holy Spirit being taken out of America. This is happening now. Please prepare yourself for such a thing.

I told my husband a year ago that elections would be suspended in America as well as will our writ of Habeas Corpus. Rush Limbaugh started speaking of this yesterday. Why else would a man risk reelection other than he knew there would be no election.


The Lord has called myself and my family to leave the city. Interesting is that there are many Christians that have been called out of the city. We, because of following what the Lord has said, have faced objections from others. Look into the Word of God and see if objection do not come over and over again to those that are following the call of God. To those of you that are doing the hard thing that God has commanded, let me tell you what the Lord says.

"I do not promise you that this will be easy. I do say that your obedience is honey unto my lips. You are chosen and loved beyond measure. My eyes are upon you and what I have called you to will endure because of your obedience. I know your sacrifice and your struggle. I know your hearts and your spirit. You are my few. Angles guard you so that your path to my call will not be broken. I bless you because I can do nothing less."


My brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not linger and do not scorn those who are called. Send them off with blessings and prayer. They are following a path unmarked and doing the biting of our Savior.