Selasa, 22 Januari 2019

Cerdik Seperti Ular Tulus Seperti Merpati

Firman mengajarkan kita agar Mengutamakan Hikmat, didalam Bertindak. Sebab Ketulusan tanpa dibarengi Hikmat, bisa melahirkan Kebodohan.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2019



LAWYER - Lawyers are people who fight for us, and fight for our rights with all our strength and sincerity. There is a striking difference between the assistance of Lawyers compared to friends, family and even relatives.



INSURANCE - There are many types of insurance. There are Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Home Insurance, Vehicle Iinsurance, and various other insurance. But the question is, do you have Insurance after death?


BITCOIN FINANCE ALERT - "Bitcoin is the Future Money", thats the idiom about bitcoin.
where's you can make buy and sell without phisic money. And since couples years ago, there's some store that accept bitcoin as Payment instrument. So what the bible say to us about it ?

Rabu, 09 Januari 2019

REBECCA BROWN - Peperangan di Akhir Zaman Part 1 (Kesaksian Rohani)

REBECCA BROWN adalah wanita yang pernah membukukan Peperangannya melawan Sekte Penyembah Setan. Kali ini KESAKSIAN ROHANI akan menuliskan Buku terbaru dari Rebecca Brown yang berjudul "Bersiap Menghadapi Peperangan di Akhir Zaman". Karna buku ini sangat panjang, maka akan kita buat dalam Artikel Berseri, dan kita update tiap hari. Karna itu pastikan anda mengikuti Blog ini setiap hari.