Rabu, 22 November 2017

They did not want me to reign over them


How does God establish his kingdom here on the earth? The Jews in Jesus' time had a heightened sense that the Messiah would appear soon to usher in the kingdom of God's justice, love, and peace on the earth (Isaiah 11:1-9). Jesus, in fact, spoke in messianic terms of the coming reign of God. Perhaps his entry into Jerusalem would bring about such a change and overthrow of Roman domination.

Kamis, 16 November 2017

Advent ~ a season of self-preparation for the coming of Jesus


"Advent is synonymous with hope: 
not the vain waiting for a faceless god, 
but concrete and certain trust 
in the return of him who has already visited us," 
* ~ Pope St John Paul II * ~


"the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel,"

* Matthew 1:23 *

Work your miraculous wonders Lord, help me Lord sent forth your miraculous help, hear my cries in this time of affliction

The state of Penang in Malaysia was badly hit by flash-flood over the last weekend due to heavy rain downpour which started since 4th November mid-day, and continue till Sunday morning. Rain became heavier at about 2am Sunday early morning and with strong wind bring down trees, road signs and blowing of roofs. 

My house was also badly hit with water level raising above the knee. The flood water entered and rose very fast, therefore making it difficult for me to salvage and move thing higher. Many item were badly damage like wall in-built power outlets, electrical appliances, furniture, kitchen equipment and mattresses. The rain had stop and water subside, but the water level at river has not subsided and sea is high. 

Sky and weather does look that promising and I am worried the flood may come again if it rains heavily again. Please pray for me and all those effected by the flood that everything will be normal again and help will come to help replace/cover the lost and damage. 

I truly believe when we pray together for the same cause, he is with us and miracles will happen as the Lord has said � For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, hope, trust, and believe. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we come to you trusting in your mercy and knowing that your steadfast love endures forever. Look with mercy on those who have been affected by the floods. Grant them your strength to meet the days ahead and allow them to experience your peace which surpasses all understanding and new hope in the resurrection. 

Move in those who are able to give aid, that we may be your hands and heart on the earth. Be with all who offer your assistance; may your Spirit uphold them. To you face the challenges ahead. Give us the assurance of your presence even in this time so that we can cling to your promise of hope and life shown us through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, Amen.

Jumat, 10 November 2017

Prayer for Peace of Mind and Heart


Eternal, Holy God, 
I come to You burdened 
with worries, fears, doubts, and troubles.
Calm and quiet me 
with peace of mind.
Empty me of the anxiety 
that disturbs me, 
of the concerns
that weary my spirit,
and weigh heavy on my heart.

Lord, You are with me today, tomorrow and for all eternity ~ Prayer


God, I cannot see Your face,

but my heart knows you are here.

I feel Your hand upon me 
when I am in need
and my soul hears Your whispering
"peace, be still"
when the storms of this world threaten me.

I look and Your work is easy to see
and I praise You 
for the miracles given to me.

Others may believe what the wish,
but as for me
there is no doubt at all in my mind,
You were with me yesterday,
You are with me today, 
tomorrow and for all eternity.