Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

9 Fakta Puasa Ramadhan Hanya Akal - akalan Muhammad

Puasa Ramadhan sesungguhnya bukan puasa yang dikenal dan dipraktikkan para nabi sebelumnya. Ia bukan puasa yang memantang atau mengurangi nafsu lahiriah (pantang makan-minum dan sex dll) untuk keseluruhan tenggang waktu, melainkan semata-mata “memindahkan jam makan dan sex,” dari pagi-sore menjadi sore-subuh selama bulan tersebut. Volume makan-minum dan kualitasnya juga tidak disita, dipantangi atau dikurangi -- malahan cenderung sebaliknya karena sering lebih tinggi melampiaskan nafsu makan-minum ketimbang yang dilakukan dihari-hari/bulan biasanya.

Mistery Kode Rahasia Dalam Kitab Tanakh


Banyak orang yang percaya bahwa dalam lima Kitab Perjanjian Lama bahasa Ibrani tersembunyi kode rahasia kitab suci. Tuhan dengan menggunakan kode rahasia mencatat dalam kitab suci tentang tokoh dan peristiwa besar di bumi yang akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.

Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Belajar Bahasa Ibrani II


Supaya mempermudah orang-orang yang bukan Yahudi untuk membaca kitab Perjanjian Lama. Maka

kaum Masora merasa terbebani untuk melestarikannya dengan membuat tanda vokal (Niqqud & Sh'va)

dan mulai dipublikasikan secara besar-besaran pada abad ke 6. Di bawah ini adalah tabel tanda vokal :

Belajar Bahasa Ibrani


Hari-hari ini minat untuk belajar bahasa kitab asli yang berbahasa ibrani ini memang sedang melanda seluruh dunia.  Sebab orang sedang haus akan kebenaran.  Saat ini bukan hanya para Theolog yang berlomba-lomba untuk mempelajari bahasa ibrani, namun juga para intelektual, yang merasa tertantang untuk membaca kitab Tanakh (PL), dari bahasa aslinya.

Karena itu untuk dasar sekali, kita akan mulai dari belajar Abjad bahasa ibrani dahulu.

Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Feast of Saint James the Greater, Apostle ~ 25 July 2015

The feast is celebrated in honouring and as a memorial to the Apostle St. James the Greater.

James is the older brother of John, who are the sons of Zebedee. They were called by Jesus to be His disciples. James and his brother John were given the name Boanerges which means �Sons of thunder� (Mark 3:17) this is because in Luke 9:54 that they wished to call down fire from heaven on the Samaritans when they did not make Jesus welcome. James together with Peter and John were the only apostles present in three special events with Jesus, the raising of Jairus� daughter (Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51), Jesus� Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-2; Luke 9:28-29), and they were with Jesus during his agony in Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-37). 

James was martyred with a sword (Acts 12:1-2) in Jerusalem by the order of Herod. James was buried within the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Just as James did with his brother John, therefore we too need to be obedient and without delay answer to the invitation of Jesus and follow Him.

Matthew 20:20-28
The mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus with her sons
and did him homage, wishing to ask him for something.
He said to her,
�What do you wish?�
She answered him,
�Command that these two sons of mine sit,
one at your right and the other at your left, in your Kingdom.�
Jesus said in reply,
�You do not know what you are asking.
Can you drink the chalice that I am going to drink?�
They said to him, �We can.�
He replied,
�My chalice you will indeed drink,
but to sit at my right and at my left, this is not mine to give
but is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.�
When the ten heard this,
they became indignant at the two brothers.
But Jesus summoned them and said,
�You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and the great ones make their authority over them felt.
But it shall not be so among you.
Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.
Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served
but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.�