Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Haruskah Merayakan Paskah ?


Bagi orang Yahudi dan Kristen, musim Paskah adalah waktu khusus untuk refleksi atas kehidupan rohani yang terkandung didalam sebuah liburan.

Beda Film Alkitab Zaman Dahulu dengan Zaman Holiwood Sekarang


Film Alkitab Zaman Dahulu dengan sekarang memang sudah sangat jauh berbeda.  Jelas Film Alkitab zaman dahulu jauh lebih berkualitas dari jaman sekarang, meskipun teknologi perkameraan masa sekarang sudah

Haruskah Gereja Menerima Film Alkitab, Buatan Atheis ?


Film kontroversial yang diangkat dari Alkitab, nabi Nuh ini memang sedang menjadi topik hangat didunia saat ini, bukan hanya di Holywood, tapi diseluruh dunia. Bagaimana orang-orang Holywood, bisa dengan sesuka hati mereka mengangkat kisah Alkitab sesuai versi mereka masing-masing.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

St. Anthony Brief

Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Fly, ye powers of darkness!
The Lion of the tribe of Juda,
the root of David, has conquered.

It is a devout practice by Catholics
to wear this blessing 
known as Saint Anthony's Brief 
on one's person, 
or to put it up in the home, 
and often repeat it.
Do this in order to gain
his powerful protection 
against dangers to soul and body, 
and also when feeling tempted by evil, 
oppressed by demons, 
and in general spiritual warfare.

So powerful, Pope Sixtus V had Saint Anthony's Brief 
inscribed on the obelisk in front of St. Peter's Basilica.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Lord JESUS, I Praise and Thank You ~ Revelation 5:12, 9, 10


I praise and thank you, Lord Jesus: 
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, 
to receive power, and wealth and wisdom 
and might and honour and glory 
and blessing!" 
"For you were slain and by your blood 
did ransom men for God 
from every tribe and tongue 
and people and nation, 
and have made them a kingdom 
and priests to our God, 
and they shall reign on earth."