Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Jeremiah 14


The Lord has spoke to me through a friend and His Word.

Jeremiah 14 is in the natural, speaking of drought and famine. The Lord has showed me what the spiritual meaning is and it is frightening.

I wrote a post last year call "It is So", in the post the Lord showed me that He would be removing His Spirit from the land. Now, He, has again, confirmed this word.

The famine, is the removing of the Holy Spirit from this land. We look for the Spirit and long for the Spirit, but He is pulling away. He is not pulling away from us spiritually, but from the land.

We shout repentance, but the Lord has said to me "Your repentance means nothing without humility and you have forgotten how to be humble."

7 Although our sins testify against us,
O LORD, do something for the sake of your name.
For our backsliding is great;
we have sinned against you.

8 O Hope of Israel,
its Savior in times of distress,
why are you like a stranger in the land,
like a traveler who stays only a night?

A taste here and there, of the Holy Spirit, is not enough, but we settle for it. The church is complacent. We settle in every arena of life and spirituality for less than fullness. Where is our fear of the Lord?

10 This is what the LORD says about this people:
"They greatly love to wander;
they do not restrain their feet.
So the LORD does not accept them;
he will now remember their wickedness
and punish them for their sins."

I have said in the past to consider what God wants before you pray. You may be just praying against the will of God.

11 Then the LORD said to me, "Do not pray for the well-being of this people. 12 Although they fast, I will not listen to their cry; though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword, famine and plague."

There comes a time, in the love of God, when even He, has had enough. The Lord has shown me, that enough is enough. The church, most, do not want to hear this word. It is easier to stay in their business instead of moving into the Spirit. It is easier to play Christian than to walk it. It is easier to flow with the stream than to flow against the tide. We have been warned through His word and through His prophets that He has grown tired of our playing Christian and yet we continue to be disobedient.

I grieve most often. It took my husbands mouth for me to figure it out. I grieve the loss of the Spirit in the land. I can feel Him leaving. I can feel the sin and depravity of that loss and I would like nothing more than to go with the Spirit.

Do you continue to walk in blatant sin. Has the Lord told you something or convicted you of something and you continue in your earthly contentment. We seem to listen to God and feel the conviction, but then with time we, again, grow complacent. We no longer humble ourselves to do the hard stuff.

Do you not understand that there is not enough time left for you to be fooling around with the Lord. NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!

Jeremiah 14 says it all. We are a fallen people in a land where the church does not care, any longer, about the things outside of the church. We, some how, have come into the idea, that, that stuff will not touch me. Please, listen, you have a responsibility to pray, spread the Word and to stand up against those things that are not of God.

It will get harder. But, if you can not stand up now, what will it be for you in the era to come. Build up your spiritual strength or you will be left behind and wonder why.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

A Short Note "HICCUPS"


I have cracked or bruised my ribs. Terribly painful.

This morning I got the hiccups. It felt like I was being torn apart.

I command "In the name of Jesus Christ you will stop". But, then in my agony, I added "Please".

Then I heard the Lord and in His gracious and compassionate ways He said, "With authority, girl".

My hiccups stopped.

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010



Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

A Dream


I fell the other night and cracked or bruised my rib. I am in a lot of pain and on pain medication. So, my mind is floating on drugs. But, I have something that I want to share. So, I hope that it will make sense.

I had a dream a few weeks back. In the dream, I am in the country. I am standing next to a house with my dog. The house is yellow, so it is not my farm house. I can not see another human being any where.

I look to the north and I see a fire storm coming at me. It is huge. Taller than any tree that I have ever seen and as wide as the east is to the west. There was a wind inside of it that made the fire roll and crash like the waves at the ocean side.

I knew that my dog and myself were about to die. I did not want my dog to fear, so I laid down on the ground and held onto him. As we laid there waiting, I said to the heavenlies, "God take me."

About that moment, I left my body and began to watch the scene from above. When I looked down on my body, the fire was rolling across and my body was not experiencing pain. But, the body that I was looking at, was now myself as a child. Then I woke up.

I am a very blessed person. I never remember my dreams in less they are from God. So, I began to ask God what the dream meant.

I did not get to far. No answer was forth coming. So, I shared the dream with my home church to see if God would speak through one of them. He did.

An end time dream, my friends began to seek God for answers. Weather, the fire storm was prophetic or not no one is sure. But, the rest of the dream became very clear. For myself, I have a need to always bring comfort to those in need. Even my dog would not be allowed to fear without comfort. The message from God that I must share with you is this.... That in this time. In this trial. In this struggle come to Him as a child.

The Word tells us this:

Matthew 18:3
Then he said, "I tell you the truth, you must change and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

God has called me a dutiful alarm. So, I am sounding an alarm. It is of the utmost importance that you, dear reader, learn how to come to the Lord, rely on the Lord, as a child would their own parents.

We are in a time of many changes and trials. We will find that there is no where for us to turn, no one to help us, no peace. The chaos in your life might feel horrible now, just wait. This is only a fore taste of what is to come.

Pray, dear reader, pray. Ask your God to help you learn His ways and to teach you how to come to him as a child.

While my home church group was discussing my dream the Lord showed me more. When a child is born there is a blank slate in there brain. They have somethings that come by instinct for survival, but other than that, there is more or less nothing. Total reliance on those around them. There is not even trust there. This comes as the child grows. The child does, however, know the voice of God. This child just came from the maker of the universe and has not been thus far poisoned by the things of this earth. The child has a link to God.

This is how we need to be in this time. To be a blank slate transfixed on God. Coming to Him like a child. How to achieve this

. Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path

If I know the Word, which is how I was before I was born, then I will know how to react in any situation. The Word gives me comfort and peace. It instructs me in my daily life. I learn to lean on the Word, which is the Lord, in all things. It is my parent. The Word is what feeds me, it is what I rely on and trust. I learn from learning the word how to come to God has a child.

I become a child.

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Time to Go!!!

Years ago, the Lord spoke to me through Hawks. I wrote about it in the post "The Audible Voice of God". A few weeks back, the Lord, again spoke to me in this way.

My husband and I were coming home from working on the farm. My husband pointed out a huge hawk sitting on a fence post. I looked and praise God. Since my first experience with hawks and God, I always praise Him when I see one.

After, my praise, I turned my head back to the road and saw another hawk on the other side of the road. Then just like years before another and another hawk was found along side of the road.

I said to God, "You are obviously going to tell me something important, but I have a request. If it is time for us to leave the city, please let me see a hawk on the ground."

At the moment the Lord spoke, "You know how a hawk sits on high and stares at his prey? He stares so intently that he can see even his prey's muscle twitch. Go, when you see your enemies muscle twitch."

Again, like before, I had no idea what that meant, but I was excited.

The hawks did not stop. We drove for 60 miles and must have seen 30-40 hawks. When we got to the city, I thought they would stop. But, they did not. Then, from the ground a hawk, in the middle of the city, flew off the ground and flew right over the top of our car.

My husband and I looked at each other and smiled. Then fear came, then joy. Knowing that it was time to leave, but not knowing what to do next.

What would be our next step? Now, we know. My husband, after we after waited 13 months, has lost his job and we have no choice but to go. What great timing God has.

So, this is my husbands last week of work. We will finish work on the farm and move. The Lord told me to go last year and the time is nigh.

I praise the Lord for His love and timing and that He is always taking care of us.