Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Nubuat - Raja Yahushua ha Mashiach (Yesus Kristus / Mesias) Akan Datang!

Beritahukanlah orang-orang, teriakkanlah dari ujung Bumi yang satu hingga ke ujung lainnya, PutraKU akan datang, Raja dari segala Raja dan Tuan dari segala Tuan. Beritahukan mereka, hai Anak-anakKU: bertobatlah sebab Kerajaan Surga sudah dekat, tersungkurlah menyembah pada hari Yom Kippur ini. Tersungkurlah menyembah di dalam alam Rohaniah; saksikanlah diri kalian sendiri rata dengan wajah kalian hingga ke tanah, sebab sang Raja akan datang!
Biarkanlah dunia mengolok-olok.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Prophecy - The Mockerer of God's Name

...The greatest mockery of MY Name yet will be done by Ellen DeGeneres by the ultimate blasphemy to portray I, YAHUVEH the God of Creation. She will pay with her soul for this and all those that take part in this film. I, YAHUVEH will send forth MY wrath on those that call themselves the greatest to the least. T his includes not only the studio, producers, script writers, actors, wardrobe, caterers; make up artists, even the stand-in actors and actresses.

Senin, 11 Januari 2010


"I show you a vision.

Behold My Bride.

The Bride of YAHUSHUA

She stands there in sparkling white, Holy and undefiled. This is the Bride that I come for; she is in this world but not of this world. There is a difference between her and others who shun her holiness. Others who are not of MY Spirit, others mock her holiness, for she refuses to take part of the sins in this world.

Prophecy - Beware, The Ark Door And Book Of The Gentiles Is Closing

"Get in now, the Ark door and Book of the Gentiles is closing. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms where there is safety. For those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY beloved Bride, MY children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE.


"I tell you this now so when you see these things come to pass you will not fear his army of ZOMBIES that will be slain by the POWER OF THE CROSS of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Remember hit them with a board or wood that represents the CROSS.