Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Prophecy - Hear ME, Fear ME, Believe ME!

"There is a spiritual leader with another spiritual leader yet to come who sits on a great throne. He wears a crown of jewels, holds a scepter in his hand, people bow low to him, worship, reverence him, laws are passed by this unholy manmade king that was created by the Roman Empire. And in boldness through MY handmaiden I say in 1999, you will see this so called unholy king rewrite MY Commandments putting another god before the people. This time a woman who is to be a goddess. She is said to be part of the godhead, but is NOT!

Prophecy - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat!

"...It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children who worship ME in truth. The Romans built a coliseum to mock ME as they tortured MY Children, beheaded, sawed them asunder, various methods of death, torture, stoning, fed them to the lions and killed men, women and children for sport, for pleasure. Beware the Roman Empire seeks to do it again, yes, to you also Oh Yisrael.

Prophecy - Beware! You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter!

...Woe be unto you when the next Pope comes. For this next Pope will not be a man of peace, and will be controlled by satan. Remember the Roman Empire and what it did." ....

(E.E.N, 2001)

Prophecy - Do Not Worship Mary, Earthly Mother Of Jesus

"There is only one genuine HOLY MOTHER, and I AM also called The HOLY SPIRIT. Do not believe the lies the Catholic Church is teaching as they take Miryam (Mary) YAHUSHUA's earthly mother and join her together as part of the Holy Trinity. She was HIS earthly mother but I am HIS Heavenly Mother.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Kedatangan Mempelai Pria Surga Sudah Sangat Dekat

Ciri-ciri "Mempelai Wanita" yang siap dijemput Mempelai Pria Surgawi - Yesus Kristus:
  1. Dewasa rohani/memiliki karakter ilahi/karakter Kristus dalam kehidupannya
  2. Hatinya suci/murni/bersih 100% di hadapan Allah