Senin, 26 Januari 2009

ISTRI IDAMAN (Kitab AMSAL 31:10-30)

31:10Isteri yang cakap siapakah akan mendapatkannya? Ia lebih berharga dari pada permata.
31:11Hati suaminya percaya kepadanya, suaminya tidak akan kekurangan keuntungan.
31:12Ia berbuat baik kepada suaminya dan tidak berbuat jahat sepanjang umurnya.
31:13Ia mencari bulu domba dan rami, dan senang bekerja dengan tangannya.



Praise God!!

The last nine posts were written Saturday. They were all written by individuals that spent eleven hours praying over a child with Cerebral Palsy.

What an amazing time.

So, I thought I would write a summary of what happened and my experiences of that day.

Within the second hour of prayer, we began to see changes in the child. He became more active...trying to get up and speaking clearly.

I watched throughout the day as God moved not only on the child, but on everyone as they prayed.

I saw the desperation on a father as he prayed over his son. His tears flowed freely as he prayed. There were times where his anger would rise up and his prayers became more commanding then pleading. But, he saw and heard God moving and his hope grew.

Five of us stayed with the boy the entire day, while others came in and out of my home taking an hour or more out of their day to pray.

Some had never stepped out in such a way, praying for the sick. God moved on these people and showed them his power. One felt tingling in his hands and heard God's leading on where to touch the child. Another, so very new at Christianity, prayed enclosing the boy with his body, while lifting his voice to the Lord. I was moved by his simplicity of love.

For myself, I heard throughout the day that I should speak to the child's spirit. So, I did and told his father to do the same. Late in the day, a friend came to pray, and I sat down with him. We both hear from God very clearly and have both been doing this for a long time.

God told him to tell the boy's spirit man to rise up. Now, I had confirmation that this is exactly what God was wanting. So, we prayed. As we prayed, the parents sat down with us. The gift of tongues filled the room and soon I was overcome with laughter.

The inappropriateness of this struck me, but this just caused me to laugh harder. The boys father, was reading aloud the Word and when he read that we should be in awe of God, I heard God say, "You people take me far more serious than I do". Now, I am falling apart with laughter.

My, dear friend, who had come to pray, speaks out that we have come to the father as children. Then I heard the boy's father read..."Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." When he finished this word, God said to me.."You have asked so often....here is your portion of joy".

That did it for me...I fell apart with laughter. My ribs hurt and my mouth became sore. All the time, I tried to keep my prayers going, but found it difficult. I was disruptive to the others but was out of control. The others, however, kept their prayers going, while smiling at me.

Sunday morning, when we all gathered at church, we of course asked about the child. He has had serious intestine problems since birth and today for the first time, he was normal.

We saw God move Saturday. Maybe, not as we would have liked him to move, but He did move. We continue to pray and will discuss, Thursday, fasting and prayer.

We have not given up. We will press in even harder. God loves this child, as to we, and we will see his spirit man rise up and walk.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009



TODAY ELVEN CHRISTIANS PRAYED FOR Bret's miracle including myself! PRAYING FOR HOPE AND THE POWER OF GOD/HOLY SPIRIT/ THOUGH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! As we were praying this miracle started to happen, Bret aka my nephew started gaining more control through his body! his speech got better his muscles grew stronger instantly! in the Bible it says, "ask and you shall receive" And have no doubt only faith!
The house was full of the faith and the Holy Spirit. no one had any doubt that God's work would be done, we did this through the soaking prayer. God answered our questions today because we prayed in Jesus' name and the Holy Spirit. the Bible and "facing the giants" quotes, Through God, all things are possible. Also, God can open up doors that no man alone can open and close doors no man alone can close!!
With all this being said, for those of you who don't believe, i really wish you would have been here today to see the MIRACLES that Jesus Christ the only living God worked! you can quote me, seek God and his righteousness and you shall enter into his Kingdom! The closer you get to God the better your life will be! take it from me, i had doubt before but today the Holy Spirit has changed me forever! It says in the Bible to seek his Kingdom all you have to do is ask for His forgiveness, and truly mean it. (repent) And you shall be saved TODAY. nothing is better than God, the Holy Spirit and Christ! Go seek it yourself from the Word of God (the Holy Bible) watch the passion of the Christ, you'll truly see how much love and compassion Jesus has for us! he was not just hung on a cross, he was BEATEN and whipped, slashed open and was crowned with a crown of thorns as drunken romans were mocking him! The Bible says on the 3rd day He will rise from the dead, just as he did! My God is ALIVE!
that being said, I'm now a disciple. I'm a cocaine addict who used to steal from people to get my fix, and now I'm spreading the Gospel truth! If i, an 18 year old can do it, anyone can! I used to drink and drug and now Im only seeking to get drunk in the Spirit of God! Also the Bible says, he's our Shepard, we are his sheep, He doesn't want to lose any of them! Fear no evil but only the power of God.
With all this said, the experience of God has changed my life forever!

If you ever want to know the truth or are ever mad, i'll tell ya, just pick up your Bible and read!
I came over to given55's house to pray for a little four year old boy. While I was praying for him the Lord impressed to me in the spirit that this boy has parents that truly love the Lord and are feeding him the Word of God Daily. That excites me, I wish I would have grown up in such a household. This boy who I prayed for was sleeping when I got here and while I prayed his body began to move voluntarily and his hands really began moving and the thing that stood out to me about his hands was that his fingers straightened out flexing back and forth. It's truly amazing once you think about the Holy Spirit and the power of God. It seems like people nowadays just don't realize the power of God or how maneuverable God is or can be through people. I'm just a simple guy that serves God I am not a Medical Doctor and here this boy is doing these things that modern medicine or even doctors can't do for him. While I prayed for him I focused on the little boy's spirit man and spoke to it to rise up within him. And that's when all of the movement began. God is real, face it. Nothing will ever stop the Holy Spirit from ministering except for limitations we set on God through religion or doctrine and/or ignorance. Don't limit God and watch His wonders with Awe. I named this boy, boy wonder because when people see what God ultimately does with him they are going to wonder hard on how real the Lord of Heaven is. I witnessed a miracle right before my eyes watching this child move on his own in ways which modern medicine say are impossible. So I laugh in the face of technology, ha,ha,ha! And I praise God in his Authority and Freedom (& Love):P



Today has been so humble and amazing!
The spirit of the Lord has been upon me several different times.
I'm so thankful for the people God has placed in our life!
without them we would still be walking blind. The Lord has brought us together for reasons so clear, and one of them is true happiness!
... Bret is asleep right now and has been for 30 min or so. He has brought us to our child-like spirit! So happy and giddy! I'm so excited for what God has in store for my son! =)

Jessica "mom"