Jumat, 14 November 2008

5 Hari di Surga dan Neraka - Bernarda Fernandez


Karena sakit saya pagi itu, suamiku menolak meninggalkan saya sendirian dan pergi bekerja. Saya berkata saya tidak sendirian. Setelah kepergiannya, saya merasa sekarat. Sehingga kuputuskan menelepon teman, dan ibu mertua saya. ibu mertua menjawab: "Bernarda, Allah akan memberkatimu di hari ini, jangan takut". Jawaban yang sama diberikan oleh seorang saudara dalam Kristus yang kutelepon, tetapi ia menambahkan: "Bernarda bangun dari tempat tidurmu dan pujilah Tuhan, menangislah kepadaNya dan muliakanlah DIA".

Rabu, 12 November 2008


(1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 1 Corinthians 6:19,?20)
Plan of Satan to defile temple, e.g. sexual intercourse outside of marriage, perverted sex, smoking addiction, alcohol addiction.
My first deliverance - spirit of abortion cast out of a Christian.
Man aged 40 years curled up like foetus and screamed. Mother had tried to abort him when he was in the womb.
Radio reporter had similar vision of angels around our home. Study became like a zoo.
(1) Can a Christian have a demon?
Correct terminology:
(a) Nothing in original Greek to justify putting the word “possessed” alongside the word “demons”. The correct translation is to have an unclean, evil spirit. (Matthew 11:18)
(b) A Christian cannot be possessed by demons but can be under the influence of or have an evil spirit. Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:3)
Example. (Proverbs 20:27; Proverbs 20:30)
I have prayed for a pentecostal pastor of 20 years experience who had breathing problems. He manifested demons before he was healed.
(2) Satan is an intelligence who wants to stop us being a Christian or being an effective Christian. (Romans 6:6; Romans 6:11)
(3) Satan has descending orders of authority in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12)
(Colossians 2:15)
Note Daniel 10:13. (cf Singapore Cathedral, Vanuatu, Suva Cathedral)
4. THE STRONG MEN (Matthew 12:29)
(1) Spirit of Jezebel which works with the spirit of Ahab in men. (1 Kings 16:29-33)
Isaiah 47:8-10,12; Revelation 2:20-21 False prophets, sexual immorality. Things offered to idols.
Origin: Disobedience to the commandment not to worship idols. (Exodus 20:1-5; Deuteronomy 6:5)
(a) She established idolatry (1 Kings 16:30-33; 1 Kings 21:26) Spirit of Jezebel means mother-child religion.
Double-mindedness (James 1:8) schizophrenia. Ahab was weak-minded (1 Kings 21:4), was the tool of his wife, Jezebel (1 Kings 21:7&25).
Isaiah 47 - Senility (verse 6), drug abuse (verse 9), occult
worship and witchcraft (verse 9), illicit sexual sins (verse 8), terror (verse 12 - NIV version), astrology (verse 13), Queen of kingdoms (Revelation 17:1-6; Revelation 17:15).
(b) Fruits of Jezebel: Radical feminism (e.g. worship of Wicca), homosexuality, the occult.
Sickness (Revelation 2:22-23). Strike her children dead. Divorce. (Revelation 2:20)
(c) Children of Jezebel Child’s name “Terror”.
Nimrod - Semerimus - Astaroth. Mother-child pattern - demonic Queen of Heaven, Venus, Diana, Astaroth, Semerimus, Nimrod.
Masculine characteristics. Example of woman of 50 years of age who raised her skirts like a child of 5 as the demon of rebellion manifested.
Spirits under the control of Jezebel
Children (Isaiah 47:8) Addictions, adultery, arrogance, broken marriages, charms, deception, divination, domination, drugs, fear, radical feminism, filthiness (of the spirit and the flesh), fornication, free love, frigidity, hatred, harlotry, heresies, homosexuality, idolatry, incest and indecency (comes as result of a curse from a previous generation involved in idolatry), jealousy, lasciviousness, lust, unclean thoughts, masturbation, occultic things, perverted sexual acts, oral sex, false religion and heresies (e.g. Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Children of God), pride, sorcery, schizophrenia, spiritism, spiritual blindness (e.g. Freemasonry, Mormonism); spirit of religion, witchcraft, ie domination, lying, blasphemy, covetousness, humanism. The ruling spirit under Jezebel is DECEPTION.
Note: Four downward steps: pride, rebellion, deception, perversion. (Cut cords into heavenlies)
Note that Jezebel often lurks in the background, waiting to send its demonic power into a young child, either in the womb or after birth. The Jezebelic chain has often been established through the generations and the spirit is a familiar spirit, following the generations, but waiting for its chance to strike, e.g. at a time of trauma or shock or anger, rejection etc, it then enters the child and from then on the child will begin to exhibit Jezebelic tendencies. (Uncover her.)
(2) Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8)
Groupings of spirits (Galatians 5:20-21; Ephesians 5:4)
Spirits of abortion, anger, bitterness, blasphemy, corrupt communications, curses, dissension, drunkenness, envy or hatred, fear, filthy language, frigidity, lack of faith, lying, malice, murder, nightmares, outbursts of wrath, poverty, rebellion, spirits of wretchedness, rejection, selfish ambitions, stealing, strife, torment, unbelief, unforgiveness.
Manifestations: Sleepiness, yawning, various kinds of infirmity that respond slowly to prayer.
(3) Death and Hell (Revelation 20:13-14)
Spirit of Death and Hell
Groupings of spirits: Curses such as frequent accidents, succession of deaths in families. Remember to reverse the curse, “Bless those who curse you, bless and curse not.” (Matthew 5:44) Sickness, pain, plagues on Christians, breathing problems, guilt, condemnation (e.g. Luke 13:11 - woman bound by spirit of infirmity).
(a) Guilt (b) Torment of hell
(c) Prison (d) Physical infirmities
(e) Spirit of stupor (f) Lung difficulties
(g) Fear of death. (h) Sorrow, regrets, hopelessness, loneliness, darkness, depression and fear.
(4) Unholy Trinity: Cast out Jezebel, then Antichrist, then Death and Hell. (Revelation 18:7&8; 19:20; 20:14)
(5) Control Spirit: Many people have a control spirit which will deny the truth. The devil can bring peace as well as turmoil. Control spirits act to control the person and prevent deliverance.
The function of the control spirit is two-fold:
(a) To shield the human spirit from hurt.
(b) To bring calmness.
This demon frequently comes in during childhood as a result of a trauma, e.g. one day a child’s father says, “I am going away and will not come back.” Youngster may well take on the demon which eases the pain.
Jesus always commissioned His disciples to both preach the gospel and cast out demons.
(Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:14-15; Mark 16:15-18)
Demons are spirits without bodies. Angels have bodies but demons usually do not. Demons have personalities.
(1) They have a WILL (Matthew 12:44)
(2) They have EMOTIONS (James 2:19)
(3) They have KNOWLEDGE (Mark 1:23,24)
(4) They have SELF-AWARENESS (Mark 5:9)
Many times I have found demons will name themselves, giving such names as anger, hate, envy, jealousy and fear. Praying for a woman with long-standing condition in her stomach. Demon said, “I won’t go, this is my home, I will not leave her.” Asked the demon its name. It said, “Legion” and then disappeared and she was healed.
(5) They have a CONSCIENCE too seared to respond (1 Timothy 4:2)
(6) They have an ABILITY TO SPEAK (Mark 1:24)
Sometimes voice is high-pitched and sometimes screams or gabbles. Will frequently speak out of people as we are casting demons out.
(1) They ENTICE (James 1:14)
(2) They DECEIVE - e.g. heresies. (Timothy 4:1&2)
(3) They ENSLAVE (Romans 8:15) e.g. compulsive talking, eating, addictions to alcohol, smoking, masturbation.
(4) They TORMENT and oppress (2 Timothy 1:7) Fear, condemnation, doubt. Many people feel lighter when they have been delivered. They say, “Something heavy has left me.”
(5) They DRIVE AND COMPEL (Luke 8:29)
e.g. lust, murder assault.
(6) They DEFILE (Titus 1:15) e.g. rock festivals.
(7) Their function is to HARASS.
(8) They often work in groups, e.g. anger, fear, violence, defiling, rejection etc.
(1) Against our PERSONAL HARMONY
(2) Against our PEACE OF MIND
(4) They cause disruption with other people, especially those close to us.
Demons drive, compel, torment and harass. Fight against inner harmony and cause disruption in relationships.
Gifts of discernment of spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10). This is a thought, vision or impression or the audible voice from the Holy Spirit, given by God, which makes us realise that wrong spiritual forces can be effecting a person or even ourselves.
(1) From OUTSIDE the body. (2) From WITHIN the body. If they are outside, we must resist them. (James 4:7) If they are within the body, we must expel them. (Mark 1:39)
(1) Our emotions, attitudes, relationships, e.g. they cause resentment, hatred, fear or rebellion. Persistent, compulsive, bring fear.
(2) The thoughts of the mind, e.g. doubt, unbelief, indecision, procrastination, compromise.
(3) In the tongue, e.g. lying, cursing, gossip, blasphemy.
Psychiatrists claim that people tell up to 200 lies a day without knowing it. Spirit of lying can rest on our tongue like a spirit of unclean talk and blasphemy.
(4) In the sexual area, e.g. perversion, homosexuality and masturbation.
(5) In addiction - alcohol, nicotine, gluttony, anorexia - food (root is often frustration).
Following true repentance I place my hand on their nose and ask them to breathe in and out.
(6) Physical infirmities (Luke 13:12-13)
e.g. tumours, heart attacks, cancer, arthritis, allergies, cramps, asthma.
(1) Psychological areas, e.g. if we have recurrent evil and disruptive emotional attitudes which dominate us against our will, e.g. resentment, hatred, fear, envy, jealousy, pride.
(2) We have moods which are unreasonable and extreme, e.g. we can become very talkative or we can change to taciturn depression.
(3) Physical: There can be unnatural restlessness and talkativeness. Enslaving habits, e.g. gluttony, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, sexual immorality, perversion of all kinds, uncontrollable, unclean thoughts or looks, blasphemy, mockery, unclean language.
(4) Persistent or violent opposition to the truth of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit.
(5) Unscriptural doctrine or prohibitions, unnatural asceticism, superstitions observances (e.g. charms, fortune-telling, astrology, mediums).
Note: One of the foregoing symptoms alone would not necessarily be conclusive indication of demon present, but where several symptoms are found together, the probability of demon activity is extremely high.
(1) Through our own sin, e.g. idolatry, rebellion.
(1 Samuel 15:23; Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:16-21))
In Tonga, I prayed for a young homosexual who had a stunted leg. As he renounced homosexuality, his leg was totally healed. He was subsequently discipled as a Christian by the Prime Minister of Tonga.
(2) Through the sin of our ancestors, e.g. idolatry.
(Exodus 20:5)
Examples: Rejection, spirits of grief, spirit of memories.
Effect of hereditary bondages:
I prayed for a boy who was born totally deaf. The word of knowledge was that it was the result of the mother’s extensive involvement in fortune telling. She repented and the boy was healed.
(3) Domination of one person by another, e.g. spirit of Jezebel.
(4) Through our mind - through our thought life - fantasy.
(5) Touching dead bodies. (Numbers 19:11)
(6) Shock (particularly at times of accident)
(7) Grief
(8) Accidents
(9) Marriage breakdowns
(10) Habits, e.g. masturbation, smoking, oral sex, bestiality.
(11) Soul ties
(12) Transference:
(a) Moving with people who are not Christians.
(b) Movies, television, music, magazines.
(c) Alcoholism.
(d) Transference of spirits in a church.
(e) Scattered souls. (Proverbs 6:27)
(f) Sexual intercourse, child molestation.
(g) Satanically inspired music, e.g. some forms of rock music and dancing. Woman in Cook Islands renounced a spirit which had entered her while watching certain forms of dancing with sexual overtones in an island in the South Pacific. The spirit left her with a tremendous noise and she was finally set free - spirit of lust had entered through her eyes. Rock ‘n Roll, back masking, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
(13) Entry of witchcraft through feet and womb.
(14) Unforgiveness. (Matthew 18:34-35) e.g. man who was healed of arthritis in his hand in church at Eketahuna.
(15) Rejection. Can occur at conception, in mother’s womb, baby not bonded, adopted child, hereditary rejection, practices in the family home, caused by peers, self-rejection. This causes problems in later life.
(16) Spirits of tradition, pride and prejudice and religion. Encumbrances of tradition.
Doctrinal obsessions, legalism, personal prejudices.
(17) Occult. (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)
Familiar spirits affecting families.
Influences of witchcraft: Abnormal fears, especially in the dark, disturbing dreams, hatred of being left alone, spirits of Antichrist. Testimony of woman healed from bleeding - spirit out of ear - went to fortune teller at age of 10.
Results of involvement in the occult:
Depression, suicidal thoughts, no desire for prayer and Bible study, inner resistance to the Word of God, no word of prayer coming to one’s lips, visions of ghostly forms, fear, blasphemous thoughts against God and Christ, manic fits, visions of people in past generations, religious delusions, inability to make decisions, feelings of anxiety, gripping feeling about the throat, voices that you cannot get rid of no matter how much you fight, fits of rage, melancholia, schizophrenia.
(18) Ethnic traditions, culture and environment, e.g. Japanese ancestor worship, religious spirits.
(19) False religions Teachings which deny John 10:9.
(20) Heresies (1 Timothy 4:1-2) e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Freemasonry. Note curses pamphlet.
(21) Curses: Self-imposed, relational, by witchdoctors etc, by unscriptural covenants. Example of man who saw father try to throttle his mother when he was 5. Hated his father. Was told for years later, “You are just like your father.” This became a spirit.
(22) Watching people die, especially after nursing them.
(23) Fire-walking, e.g. Fiji and India.
(24) Charms and fetishes in our homes. (Deut. 7:25-26)
(25) Yoga and martial arts Kung Fu, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Tai Chi, Judo (rooted in Taoism and Buddhism).
(26) Transcendental Meditation, Extra Sensory Perception, Hypnosis.
(27) Piercing the flesh (Leviticus 19:28, Leviticus 21:5,
Deuteronomy 14:1, 1 Kings 18:28, Mark 5:5)
(1) Humble ourselves.
(2) Be completely honest.
(3) Confess our sins. (James 5:14-16) Examples of healings in meetings where people have confessed their sins.
(4) Repent.
(5) Forgive.
(6) Call on the Name of the Lord. Acts 2:21.
Hissing (tongue goes in and out like a snake’s tongue), spitting, wriggling, sighing, coughing and gasping (smoking demons), shouting, lying down as though dead (spirit of coma, hypnosis), mucus (demons of sexual uncleanness - white foam), animal noises, yawning, sobbing, roaring (hate demons), screaming, eyes roll back and flutter - only white part visible - or operate independently, nostrils flare, lips purse, foul smelling fluids, twisting figures - often masturbation, blood from mouth, smell like sulphur. Sometimes nothing. Example of manifestation: Acts 8:7. Housekeeper - dog in house - boy on church floor barking like a dog at the moon - man rushing forward on his hands and knees, baring his teeth as he made his way towards the altar rail in our church during a deliverance - the spirit of lion has come out on occasions.
(1) They do not repent. Note difference between repentance and remorse. (Matthew 27:3)
(2) They fail to repent of their sins, especially adultery and abortion. (James 5:6)
(3) They fail to forgive (Mark 11:25-26)
(4) They fail to break with the occult (Acts 19:19)
(5) They fail to resist the devil (James 4:7)
(6) Failure to repent from pride.
Note: Four downward steps: pride, rebellion, deception, perversion.
(1) Listen carefully to what the person says about their problem so the Holy Spirit can give you guidance.
(2) As you minister in deliverance, work with others.
(3) Take rest periods during deliverance.
(4) The agent of deliverance is the Holy Spirit.
(1) Total forgiveness required.
(2) Honour and forgive parents.
(3) Renounce any curse.
(4) Renounce all forms of idolatry and false religions.
(5) Confess all sin and unbelief.
(6) Renounce sins of ancestors Galatians 3:13&14.
(7) Take off any charms or demonic jewellery.
(8) Cleanse house from idols, carvings etc.
(9) Confess blood Scriptures (Ephesians 1:7; 1 John 1:7; Romans 5:9; Hebrews 13:12.)
(10) Person should expel spirits by breathing out or coughing.
(11) Must have absolute faith in Jesus Christ.
(12) Total humility required - turning from all pride, rebellion, deception and perversion.
(13) Sometimes fasting is required.
(14) Call on the name of Jesus.
(15) Person must assert will and resist devil. (1 John 4:4)
(16) Use prayer cloth (1 Chronicles 13:14)
(17) Praise God (many times).
(1) Remember your authority in Jesus Christ. (Mat. 28:18)
(2) Know the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
(3) Use your prayer language.
(4) Command the person to look at you and tell demons to go.
(5) You should be baptised in the Holy Spirit.
(6) You should use the gifts of discernment of spirits and word of knowledge as you minister.
(7) We can agree and bind and loose the spirit.
(Matthew 18:18-19)
(8) Allow others in group to bring forward any words of discernment or knowledge.
(9) Don’t let the candidate use the name of Jesus or speak in tongues while deliverance is taking place.
(10) Cut cords of Jezebel, Antichrist, Death and Hell and any other spiritual powers from person’s forehead etc.
(11) Be aware of the children of Jezebel, e.g. child of Terror.
(12) Find master of demon and cast out.
(13) Cut ungodly soul-ties.
(14) Remember the agent of deliverance is the Holy Spirit.
(15) Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying as to how you should pray.
(16) Be persistent and by the word of knowledge follow through the network of demons to the principal strongman.
(17) Fix your mind on Jesus Christ.
(18) Have absolute belief in the power of the Word of God and use the Word of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9)
Example at rock festival.
(19) Anoint with oil.
(20) Consecrate various parts of the body. (Romans 12:1-2).
(20) Putting water on the person’s forehead as a reminder of their baptism and cutting off from the power of sin.
(21) Laying on of hands.
Ministering angels surround us.
Hebrews 1:14: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Note R.E. Group Ministry - always have others present to help you. Ensure that the groups have pleaded the blood of Jesus before they commence practising deliverance.
No certificates issued after deliverance.
(1) Totally yield to Jesus Christ in every area of our life, making Him Lord of every area.
(2) Be always filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)
(3) Believe and live by the Word of God. (Matthew 4:4)
(4) Put on the full armour of God. (Ephesians 6:14-18)
(5) Stay with the right people and receive ongoing counsel from pastor.
(6) Have the right relationships with people.
(7) Make Jesus the centre of every part of our lives. We must die daily to our old self and reassert our position daily in Jesus Christ.
(8) Possess the land. Deliverance can be progressive - people should be told to go away, read the Word, get on their knees before God, confess their sins and come into true repentance and be baptised with the Holy Spirit. (Exodus 23:28-33)
(Matthew 18:18-20) Example of person in prayer meeting causing difficulty. Parents who have prayed for children who have disappeared - not heard from for a long time. Bound demon power affecting those children, prayed in belief and been full reconciliation.
22. SELF DELIVERANCE (James 4:7)
Heavy oppression, suffocation, pain or sickness.
These notes can be used to accompany the five-hour teaching series, “Deliverance from Demons”, available on DVD, video, CD or audio cassettes.
[ ] Abstract art (under hallucinogenic stimulus)
[ ] Acupuncture
[ ] Amulets (tiger’s claw, shark’s tooth, horseshoe over door, mascots, talisman (magic picture)
[ ] Ankh (a cross with a ring top used in satanic rites)
[ ] Apparitions - occultic
[ ] Astral travel
[ ] Astrology
[ ] Augury (interpreting omens)
[ ] Automatic writing
[ ] Birth signs
[ ] Black arts
[ ] Black magic (involving hidden powers for bad ends)
[ ] Black mass
[ ] Blood subscriptions (pacts)
[ ] Cartomancy (using playing cards)
[ ] Chain letters
[ ] Charming or enchanting (attempts to use spirit power)
[ ] Charms and charming for wart removal
[ ] Chinese astrology
[ ] Clairaudience (ability to hear voices and sounds super-normally - spirit voices alleging to be those of dead people giving advice or warnings)
[ ] Clairsentience (supernormal sense perception)
[ ] Clairvoyance (ability to see objects or events spontaneously or supernormally above their normal range of vision - second sight)
[ ] Colour therapy
[ ] Concept therapy
[ ] Conjuration (summoning up a spirit by incantation)
[ ] Coven (a community of witches)
[ ] Crystal ball gazing
[ ] Crystals
[ ] Death magic (where the name of the sickness plus a written spell is cast into coffin or grave)
[ ] Demon worship
[ ] Disembodied spirits
[ ] Divining rod or twig or pendulum (Hosea 4:12)
[ ] Dowsing or witching for water, minerals, under-ground cables, finding out the sex of unborn
child using divining rod, pendulum, twig or planchette
[ ] Dream interpretation (as with Edgar Cayce books)
[ ] Dungeons and dragons
[ ] Eastern meditation/religious - Gurus, Mantras, Yoga, Temples etc
[ ] Ectoplasm (unknown substance from body of a medium)
[ ] Enchanting
[ ] E.S.P. (extra sensory perception)
[ ] Findhorn Community
[ ] Floating trumpets
[ ] Fortune telling
[ ] Gothic rock music
[ ] Gurus
[ ] Gypsy curses
[ ] Hallucinogenic drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, sniffing glue etc)
[ ] Handwriting analysis (for fortune telling)
[ ] Hard rock music - Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones
[ ] Heavy metal music - AC/DC, Guns and Roses (all heavy rock)
[ ] Hepatoscopy (examination of liver for interpretation)
[ ] Hex signs (hexagrams)
[ ] Horoscopes
[ ] Hydromancy (divination by viewing images in water)
[ ] Hypnosis
[ ] Idols
[ ] Incantations
[ ] Iridology (eye diagnosis)
[ ] Japanese flower arranging (sun worship)
[ ] Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Reincarnation, Hinduism)
[ ] Kabbala (Occult Lore)
[ ] Karma
[ ] Levitation
[ ] Lucky charms or signs of the Zodiac or birthstones
[ ] Magic (not sleight of hand but use of supernatural power)
[ ] Mantras
[ ] Martial arts (Aikido, Judo, Karate, Kung fu, Tae Kwan Do etc)
[ ] Matthew Manning
[ ] Mediums
[ ] Mental suggestion
[ ] Mental telepathy
[ ] Mental therapy
[ ] Mesmerism
[ ] Metaphysics (study of spirit world)
[ ] Mind control
[ ] Mind dynamics
[ ] Mind mediumship
[ ] Mind reading
[ ] Moonmancy
[ ] Motorskopua (mechanical pendulum for diagnosing illness)
[ ] Mysticism
[ ] Necromancy (conjuring up spirits of the dead)
[ ] Numerical symbolism
[ ] Numerology
[ ] Occultic games
[ ] Occult letters of protection
[ ] Occult literature, e.g. The Greater World, The 6th & 7th Book of Moses, The Other Side, The Book of Venus, Pseudo-Christian works of Jacob Lorber, works by Edgar Cayce, Aleister Crowley, Jean Dixon, Levi Dowling, Arthur Ford (The Overt Worship of Spirit Beings), Johann Greber, Andrew Jackson Davis, Anton Le Vay, Ruth Montgomery, John Newborough, Eric Von Daniken, Dennis Wheatley.
* Such books should be burned, regardless of cost.
[ ] Omens
[ ] Ouija boards
[ ] Pagan fetishes
[ ] Pagan religious objects, artifacts and relics
[ ] Pagan rites (Voodo, Sing sings, Corroborees, Fire walking, Umbahda, Macumba)
[ ] Palmistry
[ ] PK (parakinesis - control of objects by the power of the mind and will)
[ ] Parapsychology (PS) - especially study of demonic activity
[ ] Pendulum diagnosis
[ ] Phrenology (divining/analysis from the skull)
[ ] Planchette (divining)
[ ] Precognition (foreknowledge of the occurrence of events)
[ ] Psychic healing
[ ] Psychic sight
[ ] Psychography (use of heart shaped board)
[ ] Psychometry (telling fortunes by lifting or holding object belonging to the enquirer)
[ ] Punk rock music
[ ] Pyramidology (mystic powers associated with models of pyramids)
[ ] Rebirthing
[ ] Reincarnation
[ ] Rhabdomancy (casting sticks into the air for interpreting omens)
[ ] Satanism
[ ] Seances
[ ] Self hypnosis
[ ] Significant pagan days
[ ] Silva Mind Control (SMC - Psychorientology)
[ ] Sorcery
[ ] Spells
[ ] Spirit knockings or rappings
[ ] Star signs
[ ] Stichomancy (fortune telling from random reference to books)
[ ] Stigmata - ie occultic types.
[ ] Superstitions (self or parents or grandparents)
[ ] Table tipping
[ ] Tarot cards (22 picture cards for fortune telling)
[ ] Tea-leaf reading
[ ] Thought transference
[ ] TK (telekinesis - objects move around room, instruments play, engines start...)
[ ] TM (Transcendental Meditation
[ ] Trances
[ ] Transmigration
[ ] Travel of the soul
[ ] UFO fixation
[ ] Uri Geller
[ ] White magic (invoking hid-den powers for ‘good ends’)
[ ] Witchcraft
[ ] Yoga (involves Eastern demon worship
[ ] Zodiac charms, birthdates
[ ] Zodiac signs
* Acts 19:19: “Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.”

* Deuteronomy 7:25&26: “You shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it; but you shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”
1 Timothy 4:1 says: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons...”
Ananda Marga Yoga Society, Anthroposophical Society (Eurythmy, Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf Schools); Astara, Bubba Free John; Bahai; Buddhism; Children of God (Family of Love); Christadelphians; Christian Science; Church of the Living Word (John Robert Stevens “The Walk”); Church Universal and Triumphant (Elizabeth Clare Prophet); Confucianism; Divine Light Mission (Guru Maharaj Ji); Druids Lodge; Eckankar (Paul Twitchell); Enlightment (heightened awareness, nirvana, satori, transcendental bliss, god-realisation, expanded consciousness, altered perception of reality, cosmic consciousness etc); Esalen Institute (Michael Murphy); E.S.T. (Erhard Seminar Training); Foundation faith of the Millenium (Robert de Grimston); Foundation of Human Understanding (Roy Masters); Freemasonry; Gurdjieff/Subud/Renaissance (Esoteric Christianity); Hare Krishna; Hinduism (Karma, reincarnation, avatars, Bhagavad-Gita, Yoga, T.M.); Holy Order of MANS; Inner Peace Movement; International Community of the Christ/The Jamilans; Jehovah’s Witnesses (Dawn Bible Students); Krisnamurti Foundation of America; Meher Baba (Sufism Reorientated Inc); Mind Sciences; Mormons (Church of the Latter Day Saints); Mukatananda Paramahansa (Siddha Yoga Dham Centres); Neo-Gnosticism; New Age Movement; Nichiren Shoshu/Soka Gakkai (NSA Lotus Sutra); Rastafarianism; Ratanaism; Religious Science; Rev Ike (Frederick Eikeren Koetter); Rev Sun Myung Moon (Moonies, Unification Church); Rosecruicianism (AMORC); Sathya Sai Baba; Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics); Self Realisation Fellowship; Sharmanism; Shintoism; Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship; Spiritualism/Spiritism; Sri Chimnoy; Swami Kriyananda; Swami Rami; Swami Vivekananda (Vedanta Society); Swedenborgianism; Taoism; Theosophy; Urantia; Unity School of Christianity (Charles Myrtle and Lowell Fillmore); Yogi Bhajan (Sikh Foundation/3HO Foundation); Zen.
America: The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice (Dave Hunt, T.A. McMahan);
Demons Defeated (Bill Subritzky);
Healing at Any Price? (Samuel Pfeifer M.D.);
Kingdom Living for the Family (Frank & Ida Mae Hammond);
Larson’s Book of the Cults (Bob Larson);
Pigs in the Parlour (Frank & Ida Mae Hammond);
Psychic Forces and Occult Shock (Wilson & Weldon).

These notes can be used to accompany the five-hour teaching series “Deliverance from Demons” available on DVD, video,
CD or audio cassettes.

Compiled by Bill Subritzky and produced by:



Exposing the New Age Movement (for women)
Foundations for Spiritual Growth (for women)
Growing in the Spirit (for women)
Harvest Power! A training course for Evangelists
Healing Marriages and Family Relationships
Hindrances to Healing
Ministering in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Chosen Destiny - The Pat Subritzky Story
Deliverance from Depression (The healing of Anne Plank)
Demons Defeated
Escape from Hell (True life testimonies)
Escape from New Age Deception (Paul Simpson)
How to be Born Again
How to Cast out Demons and Break Curses
How to Overcome Fear
How to Read your Bible in One Year
How to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
I Believe in Miracles! (The healing of Grant Parker)
Insights for Women
Miracle at Dubbo - (The healing of Pat Shepherd)
On the Cutting Edge - The Bill Subritzky Story
Receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Easy Bible Reading Plan (Pat Subritzky)
The Secret of God’s Anointing
Victory in Jesus
Why I Am a Christian (Bill Subritzky)
Why I Am a Christian (Pat Subritzky)

Foundations for Spiritual Growth (Manual for women)
Growing in the Spirit (Manual for women)
God’s power Today (Manual for women)
Ministering in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Receiving God’s Blessing (Manual for Women)

For an updated catalogue and pricelist, please write to:
P.O. Box 48036 Blockhouse Bay, Auckland 0644, NZ

Senin, 10 November 2008

Dutiful Alarm


I had a wonderful weekend. I went to a retreat for women to break their soul and spirit ties. We went to a Catholic Center for a day and a half. The center was incredible. But, the greatest things about it was a room that was build, just for one reason. To find God.

This room had a restriction. No talking. I went to check it out and as soon as I opened the door, I experienced God. Some of the women found the experience so strong that they had trouble standing under the power. I decided that I would come back to the room when no one else was around.

I woke in the morning talking to God. I was discussing with Him the fact that I always have words for others and would like a word for myself this morning. I had been struggling with the usual doubt's about my own walk and needed encouragement. So, I set off for the quiet room.

It was six in the morning and yet there was a women, already, in the room. I found my way to a seat and waited on the Lord to speak to me. The silence was awesome, but I needed a word. I tried to empty my mind, but kept telling God.."I'm here".

Finally, I heard a word. "Dutiful". I was a bit surprised. "Is that a word?" I asked. I kept pondering on this when I heard another word. "Alarm". Ok. I thought. I am a dutiful alarm. What those that mean, I wondered.

Excited that I had heard from God for myself. I left the quiet room after praising God. I found some of the women up. I asked a teacher..."Is there such a word as dutiful". She said it was an old word, but, yes it is a word. I started looking for a dictionary. Finally, one was found.

Dutiful a derivative of Duty.

Duty- an action or task required by a person's position.

Dutiful- performing the duties expected or required of one

So, I am one who does what is required. Then I looked up Alarm.

Alarm- any sound, outcry, or information intended to warn of approaching danger.

There it is. I am a person of God, whom sounds the alarm of danger because it is required of me, by my God.

I was so excited. God had met me and blessed me. I am a dutiful alarm. It was a beautiful and fulfilling weekend. Praise be to the Living God.

Minggu, 09 November 2008

"Buta" karena Harta - "Melihat" karena Kasih Tuhan (Amat Paulus Tantoso)

Penghasilan yang diterimanya setiap bulan bisa mencapai miliaran rupiah, demikianlah sukses Amat Paulus Tantoso, pengusaha money changer dan toko emas asal Batam ini. Mengalami masa keemasannya pada tahun 2001, membuatnya meraih penghargaan Pengusaha Muda Terbaik.

"Waktu itu saya sudah mulai sombong, saya pikir saya hebat sekali," Ungkap Tantoso.

Memiliki dua toko emas dan 17 cabang money changer dengan penghasilan besar, tidak lantas membuat Tantoso merasa puas.

"Saya lihat teman-teman saya yang memiliki usaha sembako, kok bisa jadi hebat dan usahanya besar. Hal itu membuat saya timbul niat jahat, saya ingin memonopoli seluruh distribusi gula pasir di seluruh kepulauan Riau. Untuk itu siapa saja yang berusaha menghalang-halangi usaha saya, maka saya tidak segan-segan untuk menghancurkannya."

Kehebatan Kesuksesan yang didapat Tantoso ternyata hanyalah topeng. Dibalik semua kesuksesannya tersebut ada sebuah sisi gelap yang disembunyikan Tantoso.

"Dulu dari seluruh usaha saya, setiap bulan mendapatkan penghasilan satu miliar lebih. Namun kadangkala pengeluaran saya lebih besar dari penghasilan, karena saya selalu mengajak teman-teman saya untuk pesta narkoba, main perempuan dan pergi ke tempat hiburan malam. Satu malam saya bisa habis 40 hingga 50 juta."

Tidak hanya itu, hubungannya dengan istri sudah tidak harmonis lagi. Dihadapan orang-orang, pasangan ini terlihat sangat harmonis, namun Suti, istrinya seringkali dipukuli dan dianiaya olehnya. Tangisan dan rintihan istrinya tak pernah digubriskan. Rasa putus asa Suti membuatnya mengambil jalan pintas dengan mencoba bunuh diri.

Suatu saat Suti mendapatkan imformasi dari seorang teman dekat Tantoso bahwa suaminya berselingkuh. Suti tidak dapat mempercayai hal itu. Suti semakin sedih, kalut dan sakit hati sehingga dia meminta di ceraikan oleh Tantoso.

Diancam cerai oleh istrinya tidak mengubah tabiat Tantoso sama sekali, bahkan hal itu semakin membuat Tantoso membenci istrinya. Ketika kemarahannya memuncak, Tantoso sanggup melakukan hal yang sangat mengerikan.

"Saya pikir istri minta cerai tidak apa-apa. Saya punya uang, dengan itu saya bisa dapat istri lagi kok."

Hari itu Tantoso pulang dalam keadaan mabuk dan ditegur oleh istrinya. Hal tersebut membuat Tantoso naik pitam. Tantoso mengambil samurai hendak membunuh istri dan kedua anaknya. Namun saat samurai itu sudah terhunus, kilasan wajah anak keduanya membuatnya berhenti dan mengurungkan niatnya.

Anak kedua Tantoso dan Suti telah meninggal dunia sewaktu masih kecil. Demikian Tantoso menuturkan kisah kematian anaknya, "Pada hari kejadian, saya dan istri akan pergi ke rumah mertua saya. Karenanya anak kami itu kami tinggalkan di jaga oleh pembantu saya saat itu. Pada malam itu, ada acara joget di kampung kami, dan pembantu kami meninggalkan anak kami tersebut dirumah sendirian. Anak kami tersebut menangis hingga mati lemas."

Akibat kematian anak keduanya, Suti hampir saja gila. Itulah yang membuat Tantoso dan istirinya pindah ke Batam, supaya bisa melupakan kejadian yang memilukan itu.

Mengingat rasa kehilangan yang sangat besar akan anaknya yang kedua membuat Tantoso menyarungkan kembali samurai yang telah dihunusnya.

Sekalipun rumah tangganya diambang kehancuran, Tantoso tetap berjaya dalam usaha kotornya, sampai hukum menjeratnya.

"Pertama kali saya didakwa tentang penyeludupan uang atau money laundry, namun hal tersebut tidak terbukti. Dan selanjutnya didakwa lagi dengan korupsi uang perusahaan, saya menolak dakwaan tersebut dan saya buktikan bahwa perusahaan tersebut adalah milik saya sendiri. Pada akhirnya saya didakwa dengan kasus penggelapan pajak."

Perkiraan Tantoso hukumannya hanya satu tahun saja, karena kasusnya adalah kasus perdata. Namun perkiraan tersebut salah, Tantoso dituntut hukuman 4 tahun 6 bulan penjara dan denda belasan miliar rupiah. Merasa di khianati oleh rekan bisnisnya, hati Tantoso menjadi terbakar kebencian. Rasa sakit hatinya membuat Tantoso berniat melakukan sesuatu yang nekat.

"Saya merasa dendam sekali kepada orang-orang yang memasukkan saya ke penjara. Dalam pikiran saya, saya ingin menghancurkan mereka. Bahkan saya sempat mengorder orang untuk membunuh orang-orang itu."

Tetapi ancaman hukuman yang lebih berat lagi membuat Tantoso mengurungkan niatnya itu. Dipenjara itulah Tantoso merasakan kesengsaraan yang amat sangat, dia tidak bisa menerima keadaanya itu. Namun kesengsaraan itu tidak dialaminya sendiri, namun juga harus ditanggung oleh istri dan anak-anaknya. Satu per satu hartanya disita, dan dalam sekejab hutang perusahaan semakin membengkak.

"Anak-anak saya sangat drop sekali. Anak-anak malu ke sekolah, karena banyak orang menanyai mereka: bapak kamu yang dulu hebat, kenapa sekarang dipenjara?- "

Melihat penderitaan suami dan anak-anaknya, Suti berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk mengeluarkan Tantoso dari penjara. Namun semua upayanya untuk melepaskan suaminya dari penderitaan sia-sia belaka. Nama dan reputasi Tantoso dalam sekejab hancur.

Tantoso merasa tertekan dan stress, hal itu membuatnya mengambil keputusan untuk mengakhiri semua penderitaan dengan cara bunuh diri.

"Saya masih ingat, hari itu hari Sabtu. Saya merasa stress dan tidak berharga lagi. Hidup ini seperti sampah yang sangat kotor, dan dibuang orang. Karenanya hari itu saya berniat untuk bunuh diri."

Pada saat Tantoso sedang memikirkan rencananya untuk bunuh diri, tiba-tiba seorang teman napi mengajaknya ke aula dimana sedang ada sebuah pertemuan.

"Waktu itu, saya pikir oke-oke saja. Karena disana ada nyanyi-nyanyian. Jadi saya ikut saja."

Dengan maksud mencari hiburan, Tantoso masuk ke dalam ruangan pertemuan itu. Disana dia mendengarkan seorang nenek yang sedang menceritakan tentang dirinya. Disitulah awal keajaiban terjadi dalam hidup Tantoso.

"Oma Magie hari itu bersaksi, beliau setiap hari membaca koran tentang kasus saya, dan beliau bersama suaminya selalu berdoa bagi saya setiap hari. Waktu itu saya berpikir, Tuhan Yesus memang baik. Hidup saya yang dipandang orang sudah tidak berguna, tapi Tuhan Yesus begitu baik, masih ada orang yang menyayangi saya. Dengan oma itu, saya tidak memiliki hubungan apa-apa. Saya bahkan tidak kenal dengan beliau, tapi mengapa dia mau mengasihi saya? Sebelumnya saya berharap kepada teman-teman pengusaha dan keluarga, namun mereka semua menjauhi saya. Tapi orang Kristen ini mengapa begitu mengasihi saya? Hal itulah yang membuat saya ingin tahu, apa itu Kristus." Hari itu Tantoso mengijinkan nenek Magie untuk mendoakannya.

Dalam kesendiriannya, Tantoso mulai datang pada Tuhan dan berdoa memohon ampunan dari-Nya.

"Saya pikir, saya ini orang yang sangat jahat dimata Tuhan. Saya merasa seperti sampah yang sangat kotor. Saya minta Tuhan Yesus ampuni dosa-dosa saya. Saya juga berdoa, kalau Engkau Tuhan yang dasyat maka Engkau akan menyelamatkan aku."

Diluar dugaan, saat vonis dijatuhkan, Tantoso hanya dikenakan hukuman dua tahun penjara.

"Pada saat saya di persidangan, saya tidak lagi menyembah yang lain-lain lagi. Saya hanya menyembah kepada Tuhan Yesus. Hati saya sangat bersukacita, karena Tuhan Yesus sudah menyelamatkan saya. Ternyata Tuhan sangat baik. Saya menjalani hukuman dengan senang, karena didalam firman Tuhan mengatakan, "Pencobaan-pencobaan yang kamu alami ialah pencobaan-pencobaan biasa, yang tidak melebihi kekuatan manusia. Sebab Allah setia dan karena itu Ia tidak akan membiarkan kamu dicobai melampaui kekuatanmu. Pada waktu kamu dicobai Ia akan memberikan kepadamu jalan ke luar, sehingga kamu dapat menanggungnya (1 Korintus 10:13). Disitulah saya pikir, hal itu benar juga. Dibandingkan orang lain, pencobaan yangs alami masih kecil"

Selama menjalani hukumannya, Tantoso menjalaninya dengan penuh sukacita dan pengharapan kepada Tuhan. Iapun mendapatkan remisi, sehingga pada tanggal 29 September 2005, Tantoso sudah bisa menghirup udara bebas.

"Saya bersyukur karena saya sudah bertobat. Sekiranya saya tidak diselamatkan oleh Tuhan Yesus, maut yang akan mengejar saya. Dan jika saya tidak masuk ke penjara, saya tidak akan mau bertobat."

Berlahan-lahan Tantoso dan Suti mulai membenahi keluarganya dan juga melunasi hutang-hutang perusahaannya. Dan kini keadaan usahanya sudah kembali membaik.
"Saya bangga dengan Tuhan Yesus yang memberi saya kelegaan pada waktu saya putus asa dan merasa tidak berguna lagi. Tuhan Yesus datang memberikan keselamatan tepat pada waktunya. Saya sangat bersyukur, setelah saya bertobat saya baru merasakan hidup ini banyak keindahan. Semua itu karena Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertai kami."

Ateis Masuk Kristen (C.S. Lewis)

Selama bertahun-tahun, C.S Lewis penulis karya Narnia, merupakan seorang ateis yang sangat sulit untuk diyakinkan tentang keberadaan Tuhan. Dibutuhkan pergumulan intelektual yang panjang sebelum Lewis akhirnya menerima keberadaan Tuhan. Lewis seringkali membombardir teman-temannya di Oxford, tempatnya belajar dan tempat dimana akhirnya ia mengajar, dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang Tuhan yang baginya memang tidak ada jawabannya.

Deliverance from New Age Spirit Channeling (Janice Beakstead)

I was raised in Salt Lake City in a Mormon home. During my High School years I started to question TRUTH in general and rebelled against my parents by denying that the Mormons were the only group with truth. Shortly after graduating from High School I met a man who was very interesting. He seemed to really have it together and I ended up thinking he was and had the truth about life, why we are hear and all the important reasons for living. He introduced me to a few books that were spiritually written (I think the term they use is automatic handwriting) by a spirit named Seth. I can no longer remember the name of the author. The main teaching in these books were that "You create your own reality" and are in complete control of everything. The books also did a good job of taking away the significance of the Bible and what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross.

A few years after reading and trying to live my life like Seth suggested my sister in law invited me to a meeting where a woman was spirit channeling. This group of people were disciples of "The Urantia Book". This was about 1990. I purchased a copy of that book and began attending these meetings weekly on a regular basis. We all thought that we were so special to be part of this. The main spirit that was channeled was named Ham and he would speak through this woman for about an hour and than open the floor for questions and answers. It was quite an experience and the spirit was so full of love and good teachings that we were truly convinced that this was all part of God's plan. That these spirits were sent to us by God to start this group and to see it grow to a world wide movement. We each had a spiritual helper assigned to us. We were encouraged through meditation to communicate to our helper (I always referred to it as my 'thought adjuster'. I look back on it I was I never able to actually channel a spirit but I did feel it's influence on my life. I would sometimes have very vivid dreams about things and I think it would communicate to me that way.

Anyway, to make a long story shorter in August of 1992 a very dear friend of mine who was channeling spirits in the state of Washington had tested the spirits she was directly dealing with. A friend of hers had recently become a "born again" Christian and she had told my friend that she needed to test these spirits to find out if they were really sent by God. We had never experienced any evil coming from these spirits and because the lessons and teachings were all about being a better person in the world we just simply knew that they must be from God. I went to a retreat for the weekend and I had a spiritual experience that had completely convinced me that we were doing exactly what God wanted us to do. My friend called me after I returned and I told her that there is really no reason to test these spirits because they are so loving and kind. She wasn't so convinced probably because she was more intimately connected to them. She prayed to Father God and asked him to reveal the truth about them to her and God honored that request. The spirits were forced to leave her and God convinced her of who they really were from. She called me to tell me about her experience and convinced me to pray and ask God to reveal the truth about them to me. God honored that and I had a dream that night about the most hideous ugly beings you can possible imagine. I woke up knowing without a doubt that we were being deceived.

It is very interesting to look back on this event. I can truly see God working in my life even before I became his child. I was able to feel an evil presence around me to such a degree that I never again want to experience. I had to constantly rebuke them and force them to leave me alone. Only by the power of Jesus was I able to accomplish this. I was down on my face begging for God to make them leave and asking Him to forgive me in believing that they were from Him. The spiritual attack's lasted for several months and decreased in intensity as time went by. I was in constant prayer and God truly protected me through out this whole ordeal.

Shortly after discovering the demons that had moved into my life I read a book by Hal Lindsay called "Satan is alive and well on planet earth". This book changed my life. At the end of the book Mr.. Lindsay explains how to become "born again". I asked God to please reveal to me TRUTH. Do I go back to the Mormon Church or what? I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and to please be in my life. God showed me that the only thing I need to know about truth is his Word the Bible. I began reading from it and for the first time in my life it made sense and came alive for me.

I am truly a new creation in Christ and have for nearly ten years seen God work in my life. It will always amaze me that I was so deceived. I wasn't connected with the "Occult" or part of a Satan worshiping group but the result was the same. I was putting my faith and belief in the Father of Lies and headed straight to Hell. Praise God for saving me.

Janice Beakstead

E-mail Janice: janice-beckstead@leavitt.com

Jumat, 07 November 2008


INTRODUCTION: My name is G. Ahmed Rana (LL.M) 39 year old. I am a lawyer from Pakistan. I belong to an extremist Muslim clan of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I completed study course of Holy Bible when I was 15 year old. Due to my pro-Christian faith I have been suffered 25 year long persecution in a Muslim country Pakistan. 

Testimony of Annie Fintan - A Former Occult Member and Ex-Witch, now in Christ & serving in Deliverance Ministry at Refuge Ministries

From the time I was very young, I felt that I was different from the other kids that I knew. I was incredibly sensitive to things of a spiritual nature. Without having an explanation, I often knew things that I had no natural way of knowing. I knew there was a spirit realm, because I had seen spirits. Since I knew of their presence, it seemed only natural to seek what I could learn from them.

Annie Fintan - an Ex-Witch - Speaks on Territorial Spirits

As a Christian, I have heard various theological viewpoints on different issues. I generally prefer to stay out of the arguments that surround these opinions. However, one in particular has drawn my attention recently.

Due to the fact that I am a former witch, it is not uncommon for people to ask my opinion on the spirit realm.

Lately there has been a lot of teaching about Territorial Spirits and it is rapidly gaining in popularity. Naturally, those who have heard this teaching have many questions.

I have been asked whether I believe that territorial spirits do exist. However, I cannot give a simple "yes" or "no" answer to that question. The truth is, I really do not know. In fact, I don’t think any human knows. It concerns me that some of these beliefs border on superstition, and I believe they should be closely examined.

Those who teach of Territorial Spirits often use Daniel 10:12-13 as the basis for their teaching. This passage tells of an angel of God who was intercepted by the "prince of the kingdom of Persia". There are various opinions of what was actually meant by this passage of Scripture, but I am going to set those aside for the moment.

I would like to point out that one of the first things the angel said to Daniel was "Do not fear."

I have seen many people who have heard these teachings led into tremendous fear, rather than faith in a God who is All-Powerful. They become terrified at the slightest disturbance in their life, and are sure that a demon is responsible. I have to think that the devil doesn’t even mess with these people, because he already has them where he wants them. They are defeated once they have lost their faith and trust in God.

On the other side, I have watched people become obsessed with the spirit realm, to the point that their entire Christian walk is based on fighting it.

Throughout the Bible, we are reminded that we as Christians have nothing to fear. We are also told that our focus is to be on Christ, and if our focus is on anything else, it will damage our relationship with Him.

When we meet challenges in our lives, it would be easy to blame our difficulties on the demonic. However, there are many causes for our day to day problems that have nothing to do with demons. God uses the trials that we face to strengthen us and to bring us closer to Him. But it seems that many get so busy warring with the principalities that they see as the source of their problems, that they forget to turn to God at all. We so easily forget that ultimately we can do nothing in our own strength. The battle is God’s and Satan has already been defeated!

Daniel 10 actually speaks of a spiritual battle that was not fought on earth and was directed by God Himself. The demon did not ruin God’s plan, and Daniel was not ordered to take authority and bind this demon. He was actually not even asked to pray about the matter.

God does not need our help. Nowhere in the Bible are we told to rebuke Satan or his demons. We are told to put on the full armor of God and resist evil. We are instructed to intercede on the behalf of those who are deceived, not bind and take authority. When the Bible does speak of binding, Jesus is the one who does it, without any human involvement.

As Christians, we are not to spend our time obsessed with identifying and fighting demons. The commission we have been given is to share the love of God with those around us. I am concerned that we may be loosing sight of what God has asked us to do.

I have also been asked if, in my travels as a witch, I set up demonic strongholds and claimed certain areas for the entities that I served. People want to know if I tried to take control of locations so that Christians would be ineffective.

My answer to that is a most definite "No". As a witch, I had no interest whatsoever in anything the Christians were doing. I believed that those I served already owned the earth or were a part of it, so there was no need to stake a claim. I did not believe the Christian God had any power, so I had no reason to occupy myself with challenging Him.

If I had encountered Christians battling to break strongholds that they assumed I had set up, I would most likely have found it amusing. Their fervor would not have impressed me in the least. If anything, it would have left me with a bad impression of God’s people.

However, when I encountered God’s Love through His people, although I was demon possessed I could not help but be affected. No one tried to bind the spirits within me, or take authority of them. No big show was needed, just God’s love, and that is what transformed my life.

So while I cannot give you a definite answer on whether Territorial Spirits exist, I certainly believe that if they do, they cannot hinder God’s plan.

The truth is that we live in a fallen world, and we may actually encounter demons from time to time. Whether or not these demons are Territorial Spirits seems of no consequence to me. They cannot interfere with God’s plan, because He defeated them on the cross. The only way that they have any control over us is if we give them that control, either by taking our focus off of God, or by fearing their demonic abilities.

I do not believe that as Christians, we need to say certain words in a certain way to avoid the demonic. If we are challenged by a demon, we need only to tell it to go. We are not told to go looking for them, or to rebuke them.

As God’s people, let’s not get caught up on peripheral issues that ultimately are of no consequence. Our relationship with Christ is what is important.

Deliverance from Satanism (Testimony of Jeff Harshbarger - an ex-Satanist - now, Director of Refuge Ministries)

I was an eclectic or self-styled Satanist. In other words, if it worked, I used it. I started out basically a philosophical Satanist; LaVeyan Satanism. But, I found out that there was a 'power' or demons were available, thus I began to pursue traditional Satanism, while holding on to what worked from LaVey; his self-centered philosophies.

Rabu, 05 November 2008

Apakah Tuhan membiarkan manusia hidup di dalam dosa?!

Kalau Tuhan seolah-olah membiarkan manusia itu hidup dalam dosa itu adalah supaya manusia mengetahui bahwa betapa sengsaranya hidup dalam dosa; karena hidup di dalam dosa itu berarti hidup di dalam kegelisahan, merasa dikejar-kejar, hati nurani merasa tertuduh setiap hari sehingga manusia itu bila tidak ada jalan keluar akan menjadi stres, hidup dalam ketakutan bahkan bisa menjurus ke depresi, gila, akhirnya memiliki keinginan untuk bunuh diri.

Maksud Tuhan adalah supaya ketika manusia itu mengalami penderitaan batin karena dosa, manusia itu boleh berseru kepadaNya, mencari kebenaran di dalam Dia, memohon ampun kepadaNya, dan hidup di dalam kebahagiaan bersama Dia; kebahagiaan di sini berarti mengalami kepuasan batin yang sejati bersama Tuhan.

Dan jalan keluar setiap masalah dosa manusia adalah adakanlah perdamaian setiap saat dengan Allah dan jalinlah selalu hubungan kasih denganNya; karena kalau kita menjadi musuh iblis, maka masih ada Tuhan sebagai Pembela dan Pelindung kita tetapi jika kita menjadi musuh Tuhan maka sudah bisa dipastikan kita akan selalu terbentur dengan tembok yang sangat dahsyat dan tidak akan bisa menang walaupun dibantu oleh milyaran manusia dan iblis.

Berdamai dengan Allah dan bisa masuk ke surga yang benar-benar surga adalah dambaan setiap orang; dan jalannya tidak banyak melainkan hanya satu, yakni melalui Yesus Kristus yang telah mati untuk menebus segala dosa kita supaya kita boleh hidup dalam perdamaian dengan Allah dan hidup dengan cara yang berkenan bagiNya.

Prophetic Warning


You will find, below, two different messages from to different prophets. The firsst "Laurie" is a friend of mine and she explains why she sent this warning to me and for the same reason, I am posting it for you, my dear reader, to read.

God Bless

I do not know anything about Steve Foss or his ministry (except for taking a quick look at his website). However, I found this word that was forwarded to me today worth sharing. I wish it had been released through proper channels in 2006 or at least early enough to be circulated more widely. However, it was not the only such warning given to us. We stand without excuse � but now with a very large task ahead of us.

Much of his exhortation centers around the election itself. That is now history. I share this to share the warnings it contains to allow us to begin informed intercession NOW to avert as much of this as possible. As Bishop Hamon teaches, we can either fight the war in the spirit or in the natural. The degree to which we win it in the spirit, we do not have to suffer the consequences in the natural. We have lost the battle over the election. Let us begin IMMEDIATELY to war against the potential consequences to our freedoms.

I will add an admonition that was shared with me this past Saturday evening during a conversation with a prophet to whom I relate. We must not this time make the mistake we (the people of God) made with President Clinton. We MUST pray for our President.


A Prophetic Warning from Pastor Steve Foss Sat, 25 Oct 2008 I am writing to you today an urgent message concerning the coming American election. God has released me to share with you a powerful prophecy He gave me eight years ago. I have shared this prophecy in a number of public meetings, but I have never published it for all our friends and partners.

In January of 2000 God gave me an incredible insight into what was about to happen in the coming elections in America over the next decade.

I am not using this e-mail to tell you, who are citizens of America , who to vote for. However, you need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. Never in my 22 years of ministry have I seen such a spirit of delusion released upon our country.

In January of 2000, while the Republican nomination for president was far from being decided, God spoke to me that George W. Bush would be the president of the United States . He told me it would be the hardest fought election in American history. I'm sure we can all remember the incredible battle that took place in Florida . He told me that President Bush would be elected to two terms. He told me that during Bush's term there would be a season of unprecedented economic prosperity.

Now despite what the media has said, the economic wealth created during the last eight years was unprecedented. I know the media and one of the political parties has been trying to paint the last eight years as the worst economic time in American history, but it is absolutely untrue. If you look at the wealth created, there were more millionaires created in the last eight years than any time in history. Multitudes of people were able to sell real estate before the housing market collapse, and received incredible transfers of wealth. I could spend hours showing documentation of the wealth created, but suffice it to say, the evidence is there.

God then said to me, "At the end of President Bush's second term there would be an economic collapse." As everyone in the world knows, we have just faced the greatest economic threat since 1929 and the Great Depression. I will speak a little more about the present economic situation a little later in this message.

Every detail that God gave me has come to pass exactly as He said. Now there is one more important thing that God spoke to me. This is the purpose and the reason I am writing this e-mail today. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever. I'm going to say that again. God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.

As of the writing of this e-mail we are now less than two weeks away from voting for our next president. At this time the polls are strongly showing that the Democratic nominee for president will easily win the White House.

Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, "Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?" He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America .

He said, "It depends on the Christians."

I am not going to endorse a candidate, nor am I telling anyone who to vote for. I am simply sharing what God has shown me.

I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in this vision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring.

But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them.

It was a rage like I have not seen before. It was the rage that would be unleashed against those who oppose and stand in the way of Barack Obama's agenda. We are already seeing the beginnings of this spirit manifested here in America . The vicious attacks against Sarah Palin have been unlike anything we have ever seen before. The sheer hate for this woman from people who knew nothing about her, and who claim to stand up and protect the little people, and women, has been shocking.

We now see it with Joe the plumber. These people who are under the influence of this demon spirit of rage desire to completely destroy this man because he dared to question Barack Obama. In fact it wasn't just the question; it was because Barack Obama revealed his true agenda that Joe the plumber became a threat. So the supporters of Barack Obama who had been fed and affected by the spirit of violence went into full swing to destroy a fellow citizen; the very kind of person that Barack Obama has been speaking about in his eloquent speeches, saying how he is the only candidate fighting for them.

I want to put this deep in your spirit. I am speaking as a prophet. The words I'm about to tell you are "thus saith the Lord". If Barack Obama is elected, the attacks against free speech, against those who believe differently than he does, and the systematic use of the government and laws to silence the voice of fundamental Christians will be unlike anything ever seen in this nation before.

I have talked to many Christians, including pastors, not only here in the United States but around the world, who strongly support Barack Obama. Many of them are angry with the Republicans, and understandably so. Others are inspired by the thought of electing America 's first African American president, while others believe Barack Obama to be a Christian who is very concerned with the poor and needy. I am not going to address any of the many concerns about Barack Obama and his form of Christianity. I am only speaking the words of thus saith the Lord, and you have to decide what you're going to do with it.

But I want to remind you, every word God has spoken to me over the last eight years and every word which I have prophesied about the American government and the elections has come to pass.

God does not give this prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.

God said that the 2008 election is in the hands of the Christians. Just like when God spoke to Jonah about the judgment coming to Nineveh , when the Ninevites repented God withheld judgment; the same can happen in this election. Even though God spoke that America would elect its most ungodly president, He has given us the ability to stay this judgment.

Now you may be asking, "Are you saying that Barack Obama, if elected, would be America 's most ungodly president ever?" Yes! Now I'm not telling you who to vote for. Some people want an ungodly president. That's their choice. I have watched throughout the world, Christians support political leaders who are blatantly ungodly. So again, this is the people's choice.

I believe if the Christians will pray, repent, and hear the voice of God, a miracle can happen on Election Day. This nation lies in the hands of the Christians. Will we humble ourselves before God and pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done? Or will we allow our emotions, our feelings, our angers, our greed, our race, the opinions of the media, our fears, to dictate to us and affect who we vote for? If you allow these things to affect you, whether you vote for Republican or Democrat, you are not being led by the Spirit.

We must spend time in deep intercessory prayer and cry out for God's mercy upon America . For all our friends who are not in the United States , if Christianity comes under the assaults that it would under a government controlled by Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats, it will have horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world.

All truth is parallel. People say when America catches a cold, the world suffers a flu. This present financial crisis is proof of that. When America is moral and bows its knee to God, it has incredible positive spiritual impact around the world. However, we have seen over the last several decades, when America becomes more immoral that too affects the world. We need all the Christians around the world to pray for revival to come to America , and for God to have mercy and spare us from this judgment.

Finally, a brief word about the financial crisis. This is not the end time financial crisis. It is very serious, and it is shaking the foundations of the world's economic system. But we will come out of this, and there will be a time again of incredible wealth creation. However, the cracks in the financial system will not be healed. The door has been opened and the way is being made for a one world government system to overtake the world's economics. The world will falsely look at this situation and say that when the governments individually, and with some unified coordination, jumped in to rescue the world, that it prevented a worldwide depression. In the future, when the true end time financial collapse takes place, it will be very easy for the nations of the world and the peoples of those nations to allow a new worldwide governing body to come to the rescue. Understand that everything that is happening has a significant spiritual purpose.

So don't panic by what you see happening today, but take this as a spiritual warning from God. Prepare yourself. Get out of debt. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in regards to how you handle money. Let God position you to handle the future complete economic collapse and the overtaking of the world's economic system. Please pray for America . May God have mercy on us all. Your friend, Steve Foss

Selasa, 04 November 2008

Delivered from "NEW AGE" (Linda Adams)

I would like to share with others what happened to me nine years ago, and how God became very real to me. My marriage was on the verge of divorce, and I was a young mother with two children under the age of five. Being the type of person who always tends to be trusting of others, I had never known the heartache of betrayal, or experienced the lonliness of separation. When this happened to me, I became very angry, hateful, mistrusting, and bitter. I refused to forgive, even though I knew that it was wrong inside my heart. I truly wanted to change it, but didn't know how.

I started searching for God, and at one point I thought I had found Him, and "the way" to forgiveness and serenity. I had started counseling with a woman who called herself a christian. She was very kind and caring, and never charged me money for her advice. She always had a bible nearby, so I thought she was a christian lady, because of the love that she showed. Her compassion and sympathy towards me, caused me to desire those same characteristics in my own life. I was an open receptical at that point in my life, just waiting for something, (or anything) that would replace all the pain I was feeling. I was looking for something that was "spiritual," because I truly wanted to know God, and have what my older sister always told me about-- A personal friendship with God through Jesus Christ. We were raised to believe in God as children, and brought to different denominational churches, but no one had ever told me what it meant to have a personal relationship with God.

I did not know how to talk to God, or how to get to know Him, and I thought that this woman could help me learn to do that. Together we counseled, read books, and discussed them. Our sessions also included talking about the bible, but we never talked about the parts that say "ALL people sin" . We also prayed together alot, and she would call me at home to check in on me. She convinced me that I needed to further explore my feelings, and so I started meditating with her. Then, she took me further into the supernatural realm, experimenting with healing crystals (or spirit stones), using herbs and teas, and smoking marijuana to relax our minds. At that point, she told me I was ready to go through a "re-birthing," or a deeper kind of meditation technique that she would guide me through. This would also be a way to meet my "spirit guide", or "my higher self.". Our session began as a kind of breathing & cleansing exercise.

She was praying all types of prayers, and laying her hands on me, and referring to my "christ self." I felt as if a surge of power entered my body, and I really thought this was coming from God because it felt enlightening to my spirit. After a very long session with her one day, I felt as if I was in another realm. It was almost like I was floating in the heavenlies, when she said to me "look, here HE is!" When I looked up, I saw what I thought was Jesus Himself walking towards me, with His arms opened wide ready to embrace me. I was in absolute AWE that the Lord Himself would come to ME of all people. "Here it is, I thought, " just what I have been searching for. This "spirit guide" looked similar to what I would imagine Jesus to look like. He was surrounded by a halo of light, he carried a staff, and wore a robe and sandals. When he came towards me, I was actually lifted to my feet by him. He told me that I must forgive my enemies in order to go further with him, and I believed that Jesus Christ Himself had just spoken to me!!!

I rushed home afterwards to call my sister and tell her I had finally met the Lord, and knew what it meant to be born-again of the spirit. My sister questioned me intensely, and then let me know that she felt I had been deceived by an angel of light. "What happened to you is not from God," she said, and suggested that I read 2 Corinthians 11:14, which says that "satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." What I considered to be the most important thing that had ever happened to me, turned into even more confusion. I told my sister that she had had no right to tell me that what I had experienced was not from God. I was really thinking, what a self-righteous hypocrite she was. If that is what it means to be a christian, I didn't want any part of it.

At that point, my sister challenged me to test God, feeling certain that He would prove Himself to me if I was really seeking the truth to know Him. She knew satan and his disguised demons would have to flee, and stop confusing me. She also knew that God is NOT the author of confusion, and I was very confused and angry. At her suggestion, I decided to take a long walk down to the lake near my home. As I went towards a place called "the tressel", I yelled up towards the sky, saying things like "I don't even believe in You anymore." I arrogantly challenged God to prove Himself to me.

Then I sat down, and cried for a long time, until I felt an urge to lift my eyes and look up! Two beautiful bald eagles, flying side by side were coming towards me. They flew right over my head so close to me, that I could feel the wind from their wings. They soared over me together, and then flew back by me one more time before they disappeared down the shoreline. I was awestruck, and I knew that it had to be a sign from heaven. Excitedly, I ran to my car and drove home. I dug my old "Sunday school" bible out of a box, opened it up, and read down the page which nearly shouted out to me saying, "They who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." I had opened the bible to the book of Isaiah, chapter 40:31. As I read on, I started to weep and tell God how sorry I was for being angry at Him. He instantly breathed new life into me, and I knew without a doubt, that I had met the real Jesus Christ that day. HE revealed Himself to me in the most personal way possible, and gave to me a very unique salvation experience. It was so simple, yet at the same time so profound. I still, to this day, feel very "personally" blessed by Him. I shall never forget, and will forever cherish that life-changing experience.

The bible says in the book of Matthew, chapter 7 "ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened." This world can lead you astray, people will deceive you, the devil can blind you to the truth, and the "new age" movement is an old lie that wants to confuse you even more than you already may be. It teaches that everything is God, God is in everything, and we can be like God. It is very deceiving and alluring, but Jesus Christ is faithful and totally in control of everything.

God almighty sent those two bald eagles to fly by me that day. He knew exactly what I would need that day to ask for forgiveness, and surrender my heart to Him. What an awesome God we serve!

This story is only the beginning of my wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ. My marriage did not end up in a divorce court, because God is faithful to finish the work He has started. I believe that someday, when the time is right, my entire family will also experience that "wind from heaven," and soar on wings like eagles. When this comes to pass, all the glory and honor shall belong to Jesus Christ alone. He alone is worthy to be honored and praised for this testimony!!!