Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Apa Arti "Kuda Putih" dalam Wahyu 6:2 ?

Arti "Kuda Putih" dalam Wahyu 6:2 adalah Kegerakan Roh Kudus yang terbesar dan terakhir.

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008



I have a visitor in my home. It is a dear friend, whom fell back into the grip of addiction. She will be staying with us for a few days, going through detox and trying to figure out what to do next.

She is devoted to her God. The same God that I worship. She walks in gifts of prophesy and healing. Yet, has fallen into the dark and now is trying to crawl her way back.

When I look at her, I can easily see her pain, guilt and shame, but, there is more I see and more that needs to be taken care of.

We pray, often, together and yesterday she ask me to go with her to the basement so she could wail and wail she did. She had hold of my hands and while praying I had to take bone crushing pain as she squeezed my hands. She prayed hard. Screaming at Satan, weeping to her God and then when I started to pray a demon began to come out.
She spit and gagged a bit while this demon was removed by God. Freedom was at hand and God delivered her.

But, as time went on, I became more and more aware that my house was full of demons. Everywhere I looked I would see the truth. The truth showed up everywhere. Demons to the right of me and demons to the left. I have not called out for them to leave as of yet, because I want to know exactly what God wants from me on this issue.
So, I bind them and gag them, so that they are not bothering myself, family, nor my friend. It is obvious that these things came into my home with my friend and that they are following her, so I need to seek God on what He would have me do. I do not want to just run them off and they lay in wait for my friend to come back out of my house. The Lord would not do that, so I will wait upon the Lord, for His timing, His wisdom and His love.
gods love
Meantime, I sit and watch the craziness unfold in the spirit realm and hang onto the fact that for "Me and my house, we serve the Lord". Waiting and watching what God is doing and having the assurance that God will lead me to the right place, at the right time, to deliver my friend from this torment.

Update on health....Pain

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

Beberapa Pengetahuan Rohani Untuk Seseorang Yang Mau Menerima Roh Kudus:

  1. Orang yang menerima Roh Kudus adalah orang yang sudah diselamatkan Tuhan Yesus, orang yang sudah bertobat dan percaya kepada Yesus Kristus sebagai Pengampun Dosa, sebagai Tuhan dan Penyelamat.

  1. TERIMALAH ROH KUDUS DENGAN IMAN. Ketahuilah bahwa pada masa sekarang ini kita hanya perlu MENERIMA ROH KUDUS, bukan lagi MENUNGGU seperti yang dilakukan oleh murid-murid Yesus (Kis 1:4; 2:1-13), karena pada waktu itu Roh Kudus memang belum dicurahkan. Mari kita bandingkan dengan perkataan Rasul Paulus dalam Kis 19:2a (“Sudahkah kamu MENERIMA ROH KUDUS ketika kamu menjadi percaya?” …)

  1. Memiliki kerinduan yang besar untuk dipenuhi Roh Kudus dan menyadari benar-benar bahwa Roh Kuduslah Penuntun hidup kita selama kita hidup di dunia yang penuh dengan “bahaya”; dan bahwa hanya dengan bantuan Roh Kuduslah kita dapat meningkatkan kehidupan rohani kita, sehingga hidup dan karakter kita akan semakin sesuai dengan Yesus Kristus, Sang Mempelai Surgawi.

  1. Berharap kepada Roh Kudus supaya kita dapat berbicara bahasa roh, yaitu supaya Dia memberikan ucapan ilahi pada mulut / bibir kita, tapi yang mengucapkan keluar adalah kita sendiri. (Kis 2:4; 10:46; I Kor 14:2-5, 14, 15, 18)

  1. Agungkanlah Tuhan dan rendahkanlah hati kita di dalam doa kita kepada kepada Tuhan; Biarlah hati penuh dengan ucapan syukur karena Dia telah berkorban di kayu salib untuk dosa-dosa kita, dan karena segala perbuatan ajaib yang telah Dia lakukan; Dialah Alfa dan Omega, Pencipta langit dan bumi, Penguasa Alam Semesta. Katakanlah “Haleluya” berulang-ulang dengan lambat namun mantap sampai Roh Kudus memberikan ucapan baru pada lidah / bibir kita.

Dear Reader


I know that my posts have become sporadic as of late and it my stay that way for a while I have been ill for quite a while. Monday we found out why.

Since last December, I have just come up with all kinds of complaints. Doctors could not find out what was going on. I get ill whenever I eat. Although I do not lose weight from this because I retain water so bad. Last week we thought I had been bitten by a spider, but turned out not to be so.
Smiling Pig
Then last Saturday, I had a flare up of Fibromyalgia. I had to go to bed and just wait it out. By, Monday, still sick my husband took me to the doctor. The doctor looked at the spider bite and told us both that I had a staph infection. Looks like I have had it a long time. It has gotten into my lymph nodes and is spreading from lymph node to lymph node, showing up on my skin as a boil.

This needs to be taken care of this week, because my husband is on strike and our insurance only lasts till Friday. So, the doctor is attacking the staph aggressively and I am on multiple medicine's.

To celebrate, still no lupus. I remain free of the disease that God healed me from and yet fall prey to other things.
I looked to the Lord for my assurance of healing and no damage from the staph. I look forward to my healing and to no longer feeling bad. God's timing is wonderful, because one more week and I would have not been able to seek medical help. Although, my husband would have forced me to go, I would not have wanted to because of the loss of insurance. But, God is taking care of me and I will, finally, be back on my feet.

So, my friends, my posts, still may be sporadic for a while. With illness and a husband under foot my schedule fulls under chaos and I just go with the flow. I pray for all my readers and ask for your prayers as i recover.

Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008