Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Well, "OK"


There are times in our lives when we just want to say, "I quit". Well, I came close in the mountains.

First, my computer broke. Ouch!!! It is now being fixed.

A friend went with me to the mountains. We went there so my oldest son could face some charges he had from his life as a drunk. While there I stayed with another son.

Well, the 0ldest son, went to jail. This was no surprise to me, but I still was unhappy. He will serve 22 days and then come back to Kansas to try sobriety. I have faith that this will happen.

So, my friend and I stayed with my other son to show her the sites. Well, this was fun, but it began to snow. It snowed a lot. Really, a lot. We could not leave. Stuck, oh yea, we were stuck.

She called her husband and told him. His response was to get a bottle of alcohol and drink himself into stupidity. He was suppose to be taking care of her 4 children. He brought his girlfriend, yep that is what I said, my friends, husband, brought his girlfriend, into their home. He decided to get intimate with the girlfriend in front of the children. The oldest of the children drew a glass of water on them. The husband took off after the daughter and tried to hit her in the front yard. A neighbor stepped in and took the blow. So, you guessed it, a fist fight started. The oldest then called a relative for help and the children left the home.

Ok. Now my friend, stuck in the mountains, is loosing it. Don't blame her. In order to talk on the phone, cell phone, there where no house phones, you had to stand outside in the falling snow and not move an inch or you would loose signal. She stood out there for hours trying to understand, figure out and resolve what was happening in her home 900 miles away.

I kept asking God, "What is going on?" The answer came from my friend. She had been in the marriage for 17 years. He has beat her, in the past and continues to drink and have girlfriends. The last year, there have been many split ups and make ups. She has always tried to fix him.

God showed her on this trip that she had no control. Absolutely none. She knew this intellectually but not on the level she needed to know. She had no where to turn but to God and she turned, feeling helpless and knowing how badly she needed him.

The weather began to turn a bit better, but my friend, who drove, was a bit afraid to drive. So, I took the keys and off we went. We drove over this incredible pass that twisted and turned. It snowed and was slick at times. But, God drove while I prayed.

We are home. My friend has a Protection order and he, the husband, had to leave. She was here last night confessing to her control issue and praising God for the ultimate lesson.

For myself, I am grateful to God that my friend received the lesson and am glad that he used this time to show her the way. But, for me. I just wanted to quit. Sit down, watch the world go by and eat. Yep, eat. But, you can never quit. God continues to use you even when it seems the darkest of times. I watched as he orchestrated these events and set free a friend in need.

Senin, 12 Mei 2008

Break Time

I am in Colorado taking a break. Visting with a son, having a blast. See ya Wednesday.

Jumat, 09 Mei 2008

We Can Make Things Complicated


My community group met last night and one could tell there was something wrong.

During praise and worship you could feel it in the air. I thought that maybe it was because one member was not there. That thought made me sad, thinking that we relied on one person to get the Spirit of God moving. Then I thought, maybe it is me with my state of mind. I decided that whatever it was I was just going to keep on keeping on.

I had a vision, shared it and prayed over the woman that the vision was for. But, the group was rather stand offish and I was the only one who laid hands on her. This confused me a bit, because these people are always ready to lay hands on each other. So, I continued and we watched the DVD that is provided by the church.
close to God
The DVD was about getting close to God. During and after the lesson, there are questions that show up on the screen that we discuss. One of the questions was, "What motivates you to get close to God?" There were several answers, but towards the back of the room, I heard "Shame".

I looked back and repeated "Shame?" A very mature Christian was standing in the far back corner of my dinning room replying back to me "Yes, shame." What a strange answer, I thought. So, I asked "How is shame a motivator?"

The conversation took off and more and more was revealed. He had not been to group for 11 weeks because he had been in a community play. This play was secular in nature and he had, only on Sunday, been around Christians. He is an intellectual, well read, and a analytical person. His dive into the secular world had brought him to a place were he was questioning his faith. This doubt, shame, guilt and defensiveness was affecting our whole meeting.shame

We prayed for him and gave words of knowledge etc. The group was more responsive to his needs than they had been to others earlier. But, while praying for him, I saw a spirit of defensiveness rise up in him, so I bound it up. Before this he was not receiving what we were praying or saying. It was a real battle to minister to him.

It was suggested to him that he get an inner healing, which is something that I do for people. He said, "Don't you have to be retentive to do that kind of thing." He shared that he was not sure that he wanted to repent from certain things in his life.
It was getting late by this time and we began to break up to go home.

While he was leaving, my son had a word for him. They were talking in the front yard when I stepped out to say good-bye. He started to ask questions about inner healings. He told me that there were certain things that he would never admit to a human being, so he felt that an inner healing would not work for him. I shared that there are certain things that are between him and God and it is not anyone else's business. I did not share with him that I already knew what his secret was.

I decided to let him know that I knew these things by giving examples of other people that had gone through inner healings and had the same issues. That opened him up. It gave him permission to speak openly. That thing on him began to weaken. Praise the Lord.

His reason for not wanting to repent is that these issues have been with him since he was a child and no matter what ministry he goes to or how hard he prays they always comes back. He feels hopeless.
These things lay deep inside of him and manifest when he is outside of the Christian family. They felt bold when he walked into my home last night and felt no need to hide. That was their mistake. It took me a long time to find out what was wrong in the group and I chalk that up to my own state of mind. But, these things were exposed and bound up. Now, my friend has to find hope and the desire for freedom. He is not going to lose his faith and it is not always a bad thing to question your faith. That questioning can bring you into a deeper relationship with God. What he does need to do, is believe in the healing power of God and that he will be alright after these things are gone.

It is a sad thing to see someone so low and with such a strong feeling of helplessness. He has resolved within himself that this is the way it is. But, that resolve is not of God. He has been lied to over and over again, by these things that oppress him. This has been going on for so long that he believes the lies. He is comfortable with these things and yet sees the sin in them and wants reprieve. He knows that this state of confusion is not of God, but feels that to repent is useless.
I am praying for him. I pray that God's revelation of truth fall upon him and he see that he is not in a room with no door out. I thank God for Jesus and His sacrifice. Whenever I see someone in this kind of quagmire, I have that hope that comes from knowing that through Jesus, he is saved.


Bagaimana Keadaan Bumi dalam masa 1000 tahun damai ?

  1. Hanya orang-orang yang percaya kepada Yesus Kristus dengan segenap hati yang akan ada dalam masa kerajaan 1000 tahun damai.

Semua orang lain sudah dibinasakan, Maleakhi 4:1-3; Yesaya 13:9-10.

Orang-orang yang hidup sampai saat Yesus kembali hanyalah terdiri dari 2 golongan, yakni:

  1. GEREJA SEMPURNA > yang sudah disingkirkan ke tempat perlindungannya di padang gurun, bersama orang percaya sejak jaman Adam, dibangkitkan dalam kebangkitan pertama untuk masuk ke dalam 1000 tahun damai itu. (I Tes 4:13-18; I Kor 15:50-52; Why 20:1-6)
  1. Semua orang yang menerima tanda 666 > nasib penerima tanda 666 sudah jelas sekali di dalam Alkitab, mereka dibinasakan pada waktu kedatangan Tuhan Yesus Kristus dalam kemuliaanNya (II Tes 1:7-10; 2:7-8; Why 14:9-11; 19:11-21). Semua orang lain dibunuh dengan “pedang”. Antikristus dan Nabi Palsu langsung dilemparkan ke dalam lautan api dan belerang (Why 19:20-21). Dengan demikian semua orang yang tidak percaya Yesus Kristus tidak masuk ke dalam masa 1000 tahun damai sebab memang sudah mati semuanya. Ini sesuai dengan nubuatan dari Tuhan Yesus sendiri tentang persamaan kedatanganNya dengan jamannya Nuh. Setiap orang yang tidak percaya, binasa. (Mat 24:37-39; II Petrus 3:3-7)
  1. Semua orang percaya akan memerintah bersama Yesus (Why 20:4-6)

Pertanyaan yang selalu timbul adalah kita yang percaya dan bersama Kristus, akan memerintah atas siapa ??? sebab semua orang berdosa sudah tidak ada. Jawabnya:

  1. Kita akan memerintah atas malaikat-malaikat (I Kor 6:3; Ibr 1:4-14)
  2. Kita akan memerintah atas seluruh ciptaan Allah sebagaimana kehendak Allah sejak permulaan (Kej 1:26; Ibr 2:5-11)
  3. Kita akan memerintah menurut kemuliaan / sesuai dengan upah atau pahala yang kita peroleh. (Why 22:12, Mat 10:41, I Kor 3:8; 15:41-42, Luk 19:15-19)
  1. Kemuliaan Allah akan bercahaya dan memenuhi seluruh bumi (Hab 2:14)

Tidak mungkin orang berdosa masuk jaman 1000 tahun damai oleh karena kemuliaan Allah yang sangat bercahaya. Orang percaya pun harus terlebih dahulu “diubahkan” sebelum memasuki jaman itu, sebab “darah dan daging” tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam kerajaan Allah dan bahwa yang “binasa” tidak akan mendapat bagian dalam apa yang “tidak binasa” (I Kor 15:50-54). Maka sinar bulan pun akan seterang matahari, dan matahari akan memancarkan terang 7 kali lipat dari yang biasanya (Yes 30:26). Orang-orang benar pun akan bercahaya seperti matahari (Mat 13:43)

  1. Tidak ada Iblis, Antikristus, dan Nabi Palsu dalam masa 1000 tahun damai (Why 19:20-21; 20:1-3)

Iblis ditangkap oleh seorang malaikat dari sorga, kemudian diikat dengan rantai besar dan dicampakkan ke dalam Jurang Maut tak berdasar, lalu jurang itu ditutup dan dikunci supaya Iblis tidak bisa menyesatkan bangsa-bangsa. Sedangkan Antikristus dan Nabi Palsu langsung dilemparkan ke dalam lautan api dan belerang. Maka dalam masa kerajaan 1000 tahun damai itu tidak ada dosa, penyakit, godaan, penyesat, yang ada hanyalah kerajaan Allah yang penuh dengan kemuliaanNya.

(Setelah masa 1000 tahun damai berakhir, maka Iblis akan dilepaskan dalam “kebangkitan yang kedua” dan dia akan membawa bersamanya semua orang fasik yang disebut “Gog dan Magog”. Mereka akan menyerang Kota Allah dan orang-orang kudusNya, tetapi mereka dihanguskan oleh api dari hadirat Tuhan. Kemudian Iblis dan semua orang yang mengikutinya dilemparkan ke dalam lautan api dan belerang)

Kamis, 08 Mei 2008

A Letter to My Readers

My Dear Readers,

The truth is I feel dried up. I have not got back into the swing of things and feel that I am lacking in my blogging.

I am trying to plug back into my church activities, housework, crocheting, blogging, but am having a great deal of trouble doing so. My concentration is gone and I have very little motivation.

A dear friend came by and told me that it is the Jewish tradition to mourn for a year and that it took that long with her mother. I, on the other hand, feel that it is time to get on with the task. That is what my pastor has told me and I agree. The problem is my mind and body are not quit ready. I need to give myself permission to take as long as it will to grieve.

Tonight I am going to go ahead and have my community group hear at my home. I was suppose to call everyone, that comes, and tell them it would occur. But, I have not called. Two are coming and that is only because they called or I saw them. I do not want to do anything.

So, I am trying to push myself back into the world. God, on the other hand, can not be pushed. I feel, a bit, detached even from Him. I seek Him in the mornings and wait for His nudging on what to write on my blog and I since nor hear not a word.

What I am trying to say to you, dear reader, is that if my posts seems vague, erratic, lost or just plain boring, it is because I have become those things for now. I am working my way back to myself, but for now, this is who I am.

I am a supernatural Christian processing the loss of her mother.
