Sabtu, 18 April 2009

What does Christian Science Teach?

The following doctrines are referenced out of the primary Christian Science work, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (S&H), by Mary Baker Eddy. It is supposed to be a companion to the Bible. Science and Health together with the Bible are called the Pastor of Christian Science.

What is the New Age Movement?

  1. What is the New Age Movement?
    1. The New Age (NAM) movement has many sub-divisions, but it is generally a collection of Eastern-influenced metaphysical thought systems, a conglomeration of theologies, hopes, and expectations held together with an eclectic teaching of salvation, of "correct thinking," and "correct knowledge." It is a theology of "feel-goodism," "universal tolerance," and "moral relativism."

What is Wicca?

Wicca is an eclectic religious belief system centering around gods, goddesses, and nature worship. Gary Cantrell, a well known Wiccan author says Wicca is based on "harmony with nature and all aspects of the god and goddess divinity."1 Wiccan practice involves the manipulation of nature through various rituals in attempts to gain power, prestige, love, or whatever else a Wiccan wants. It uses symbols in its ceremonies and follows the calendar in reference to Wiccan festivals. Its roots are in ancient agrarian Celtic Society. It is considered Neo Pagan (based on old European and pre-Christian belief systems). Wicca does not have a structure of clergy and/or congregations. But it does have priests and priestesses which are in leadership positions within covens that have witches. The varying traditions of Wicca have different requirements for attaining the level of priest and priestess. Some of the more common varieties of Wicca are 1734, Alexandrian, Celtic, Dianic, Dicordian, Eclectic, Gardnerian, and Georgian. Wicca is even recognized as a religion in the military.

One of the most common aspects of working theology is the teaching of reincarnation and karma. The purpose of reincarnation is to learn lessons through the various lives. “This process of reincarnation is repeated for numerous lifetimes until a development of the Spirit is reached where the spirit can truly merge with the male and female balanced creator/creatrix entity. We returned to the God and to the Goddess.”[Ibid., p. 27.] Karma is the law of cause and effect that "does not punish nor reward. It is simply a universal law that reacts to causation until disharmony is illuminated."2

Wicca does not claim to be the only way but says that all spiritual traditions and paths are valid to those who practice them.3 It accepts "the fact that all life is sacred, including plant, animal, and human."4

Generally, Wiccans do not believe in the existence of a devil (they are not Satan worshippers). They have no orgies or public displays of sexuality in their rituals (though some Wiccan traditions practice nudity and sexuality not open to the public), no bestiality, and no blood sacrifices. They do not practice spells with the intention to harm people. They deny that there are moral absolutes, believe that nature is divine, and seek to be in harmony with the earth/nature.

Is it recognized as a religion by the government? Absolutely.

"Wicca is a bona fide religion, Mr. Barr. It has been recognized by the courts, and legal Wiccan clergy can be found in every state in the United States. We have chaplains in many American and Canadian prisons. Our guiding principle, the Wiccan Rede, admonishes us to harm none."5

The Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law

There are two basic codes that the Wiccans live by. First is the Wiccan Rede which states, "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will". This means that a Wiccan is free to use his or her magic as long as it doesn't harm anyone. The second is the Threefold Law which says that all the good you do will return to threefold in this life. Likewise, all the harm you do will return to threefold as well.

The God and Goddess

There is an ultimate life force called "The One," or "The All" from which the male and female aspects of life emerged, i.e., the god and goddess. The Divine, god or goddess, depending on who you are talking to, can have different names. There can even be references to different gods from other theological systems: Hinduism, Egyptian, Buddhism, ancient Greece, Sumerian, Christian, etc. In Wicca it doesn’t really matter what name is given to a person’s concept of God as long as you have one, or two, or more.

One Wiccan might consider God to be self-aware, another may not. It all depends on the angle that an individual Wiccan takes in his or her theological construction of what best works. It is a religion of self design. In Wiccan theology, because god can show different characteristics in different ways to different people, Wiccans can have different and even contradictory conceptions of God. This is not a problem to them because they maintain that it is only the limited aspects of individual perceptions of god that appear contradictory.

“as Wiccans, we acknowledge and worshiped the old gods and goddesses in the form both pleasing to Them and meaningful to us…”6

Why is Wicca attractive?

Wicca is attractive for many people who do not desire or appreciate absolute truths. In Wicca, a person is free to discover his or her own "path." In other words, he or she is free to invent a religious system that suits his or her desires.

“If you are just beginning a study of paganism, you may need to evaluate many different traditions or paths before finding the one for which you are looking. Your chosen path in the old religion must be one that is uniquely suited to you as an individual and one that lets you speak to the Lord and Lady in your own fashion.”7

It should be obvious that Wicca is a religion of personal preference. In other words, you are free to invent, devise, and develop a religion that suits your personal wants and interests. Furthermore, in Wicca you may attempt to manipulate your surroundings and other individuals through spells and incantations. This combination of developing a religion that suits your personal preferences and trying to influence others is very appealing to a lot of people.

Beliefs in Wicca

The following list of affirmations and denials are held by most Wiccans. But because there are differences among Wiccan traditions, not every we can will affirm or deny every statement listed here. Nevertheless, the list is accepted by almost all Wiccans

  1. Affirms
    1. The existence of a supreme divine power known as "The One," or "The All"
    2. "The All" is not separate from the universe, but part of it.
    3. That from "The All" came the god and goddess.
    4. That the god and goddess are manifested in various forms in the universe.
    5. Nature worship and, therefore, environmental concerns are high.
    6. Divinity is within
    7. Biological evolution.
    8. That there are different and valid paths to finding the truth about God.
    9. That all creatures have a life force, a soul.
    10. The male and female principles are in balance throughout the universe.
    11. The equality of the sexes.
    12. That each person has male and female aspects that need to be balanced.
    13. Multiple reincarnations
    14. The teaching of karma
    15. The practice of rituals designed to attune Wiccans to the natural life forces.
    16. That upon death a person is released back to a place called Summerland
    17. That different paths to spirituality are acceptable as long as they don't hurt anyone
    18. Personal responsibility for one's actions
  2. Denies
    1. The concept of Heaven and Hell (Matt. 25:46)
    2. The existence of the Devil and the worship of the devil, Lucifer, etc. (Matt. 4:1ff)
    3. The existence of absolute evil (Psalm 34:14; 35:10)
    4. The inspiration and authority of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16)
    5. A need for salvation (Rom. 3:23)
    6. Moral absolutes (Exodus 20)
    7. That Jesus is the only way to salvation (John 14:6).
    8. The male headship presented by Christianity (Eph. 4:11; Eph. 5)
    9. A religious authoritative hierarchy (Eph. 4:11; Eph. 5)
    10. The concept that humanity is to subdue the earth (Gen. 1:28).

What are the doctrines of Islam?


  1. There is only one God (5:73; 112:1-4).
  2. God is called Allah by Muslims (5:73)
  3. Allah sees all things (40:20), is present everywhere (2:115; 7:7).
  4. Allah is the sole creator and sustainer of the universe (3:191).
  5. Allah is not a Trinity, but is one (5:73).
  6. Allah is all-knowing (2:268; 10:61) and all powerful (6:61-62).
  7. Allah created the heaven and earth (2:29; 6:1, 73; 25:61-62; 36:81; 46:33).

Salvation and Judgment

  1. Allah will judge all people on the day of judgment (3:30; 35:33-37; 99:6-8).
  2. If your good deeds exceed your bad deeds, and you believe in Allah, and sincerely repent of sins, you may go to heaven (3:135; 7:8-9; 21:47; 49:14; 66:8-9).
  3. There is an eternal hell for those who are not Muslims, not practicing and of the truth faith (3:77).
  4. Hell is a place of unlimited capacity (50:30) eternal torment (2:39; 14:17; 25:65; 39:26), fire (9:63; 11:16; 25:11-12; 104:6-7), with boiling water (38:55-58; 55:43-44), where skin is burned and renewed (4:56), for unbelievers (3:13; 19:49) and Jinn (11:119), with faces covered with fire (14:49-50).
  5. There is a tree in hell, named Tree of Zaqqum, from which bad fruit is given and the damned are forced to eat (37:62-67; 44:43-48; 56:52-55).
  6. Heaven (Paradise), a Garden (79:41) of bliss and fruit (69:21-24), has rivers (3:198), with maidens pure and holy (4:57), and carpets and cushions, (88:8-16).
  7. There will be a physical resurrection of all people (19:93-95) on the day of judgment (3:77; 15:25; 16:38; 42:29).
  8. Judgment is based on a person's sincere repentance (66:8-9) and righteous deeds (5:9; 24:26; 45:21-22; 64:7).


  1. There is an afterlife (2:154;75:12).
  2. There are such things as angels, created by Allah, that are created from light. Angels are obedient slaves incapable of refusing to do Allahï's will. The angel Gabriel brought the revelation of the Koran to Muhammad (2:97).
  3. The Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel (2:97; 16:102).
    1. There is no actual verse where the Holy Spirit is said to be Gabriel or is identified as Gabriel. These verses show that both the Holy Spirit and Gabriel brought down the revelation.
  4. Jinn are unseen beings, created (51:56) from fire (15:27; 55:15), but are not angels. They have communities. There are good and bad Jinn.
  5. The Devil, called Iblis, (2:34) is a bad Jinn.
  6. Jesus was a great prophet but not the son of God (9:30), is not divine (5:17, 75), was not crucified (4:157).
  7. Muhammad is Allahï's greatest and last prophet and his message supercedes all other past prophets including Jesus.
  8. The Koran is Allahï's word. He literally spoke it to Gabriel who gave it to Muhammad.
  9. There are other holy writings but they are superceded by the Koran.
    1. The other works are
      1. Torah - the First Five books of Moses
      2. Injeel - the message that Jesus gave, written down, but no longer exists. The writings have been altered by scholars. Whatever agrees with the Koran is true.
      3. Zaboor - the Psalms
  10. Pre-ordainment (Qadar) is the teaching that all things, good and bad, are preordained to occur.
  11. Fasting is to be observed during the month of Ramadan (2:185).
  12. Drinking alcohol is forbidden (2:219; 4;43; 5:93-94; 16:67)
  13. Gambling is forbidden (2:219; 5:90-94).
  14. Man is made from the dust of the earth (23:12).
  15. There is no last minute repentance (4:18).

What does Kabbalah teach?

  1. God has 10 aspects through which creation was realized.
  2. The the truths of Kabbalah were given to the angels first, then to Adam, then Abraham, and finally to Moses.
  3. The human soul preexisted before coming to earth.1
  4. Reincarnation of the soul.
  5. Higher realms of consciousness
  6. Multiple universes
  7. The interconnectedness of all levels of consciousness, angels, demons, thoughts, incarnations, etc.
  8. "There are four primary archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael.2
    1. "Liliel is the Angel of the Night...Lilith is considered to be the arch she-devil." Sandalphon is the angel of prayer as is Michael.3
  9. There are two Messiahs, one from the lineage of Joseph and the other from David.4
  10. The fall of Adam and Eve was because they failed to make a rectification that would bring "the universe to a new level of consciousness."5
  11. It is possible to have a direct experience with God without the need of a mediator such as Jesus.

What Does Mormonism Teach?

The doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are very interesting. Most of the 'odd' ones are not initially taught to potential converts. But they should be. Instead, "they are revealed later as one matures and gains the ability to accept them." The LDS Church tries to make its official doctrines appear Christian but what underlies those Christian sounding terms is far from Christian in meaning.

What do the Jehovah Witnesses Teach?

  1. There is one God in one person, Make Sure of All Things, p 188.
  2. There is no Trinity, Let God be True, p. 100-101; Make Sure of All Things, p.386.
  3. The Holy Spirit is a force, not alive, Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, p.

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Rencana Iblis (Lucifer) VS Kehendak ALLAH

Oleh karena iblis sangat membenci Allah dan manusia, maka iblis selalu berusaha keras untuk menghancurkan rencana Allah, yakni rencana yang agung dan indah untuk mempermuliakan kehidupan manusia. Iblis selalu berusaha dengan tidak mengenal lelah agar manusia itu selalu menyakiti hati Allah. Cara iblis itu adalah selalu mempengaruhi hati/pikiran manusia, agar manusia itu mengeluarkan dan melakukan segala karakter jahatnya atau atau hawa nafsu dagingnya. Karakter/perbuatan manusia daging itu adalah:

Selasa, 07 April 2009

Support Israel

I have joined Christians United for Israel. If you would like to show your support for Israel..Pleas join. Click here.